____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  *** The Little Worker *** ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  Published by CDTTT-The Committee for the Difussion of The Third Testament Issue of April 2002 _________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS: - First Word - The Gifts Within Part XVII. Prophecy. - The Spiritual Meaning of Bread and Wine - The Promised Land - More About Myths - Final Word ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -First Word Dearly beloved: Times are getting harder and harder every day. It seems that the leaders of nations and human groups are just waiting the propitious moment to embark the masses they lead into more dangerous waters. If you ask everyone you know whether they like war or not, chances are that the immense majority will tell you that no, they do not like war. So, where do all soldiers and those who enter combat somehow come from? What force pushes men of good will not only to accept and justify wars but even go further, by participating in them, giving the best of their efforts and even their lives and those of their children as an absurd holocaust dedicated to a pagan god? Spiritual ignorance. Spiritual ignorance makes men and women be prey to deception and to fanaticism of all kinds. This is why the world has been devastated by wars that everyone says that they never wanted... ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - The Gifts Within Part XVII The Gift of Prophecy - Part 1 Oh, how wonderful and useful prophecies are! When they arrive, they give us guidance and light so our path will be clearer and safer! They are as windows opened to the future, allowing us to learn from things to come so we can either avoid them or take advantage of them. Many people think of a prophet as that stereotype being planted by Hollywood. You know, the skinny heavy-bearded bushy-headed guy dressed with rags, that seems urgently in need of a bath and a decent meal. But, the truth is that perhaps the guy or gal next to you in the bus or in the line to buy tickets for a movie, is really a prophet. Oh, yeah! There are prophets nowadays. Our Lord calls them His new prophets. Just think: If we were all created at the image and likeness of God, then within us are all things contained in the Divine Spirit, of course, keeping the right proportion. It comes as no surprise that in some of us, prophecy or knowledge of things to come, must be developed in such a way that can be useful. Because the gift of prophecy is precisely that: the knowledge of the future, the notion of things to come. In our next issues, we will see how it works and more important, how you can tell if you are one of these new prophets. ____________________________________________________________ Prophecies are useful in our lives. Our Lord has, as we speak, His new prophets in this world. The importance of having the knowledge of the future. Are you one of these prophets? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - The Spiritual Meaning of Bread and Wine One of the most relevant episodes of the life of Jesus, the Christ was when, at the Last Supper, he raises the bread and the wine and blessed them. From there, some theologians developed theories and beliefs that until now, are propagated in some Christian religions. They tought that when the rising and blessing of the bread and wine took place, a transformation in the nature of those elements also took place, making them something mystical and almost magical. But is this true? Let's see: "It is true that thousands and thousands of men and women profess a worship and try, through their different religions, to nourish their spirit; but it is so little what they do and it is so imperfect, that it hardly reaches the heart through the senses, because it does not reach the spirit, since the spirit can only feed on spiritual bread and drink wine that is divine essence. "When men who seek the light through ceremonies and liturgical acts disregard all ritual and external worship, at that moment they will see loom before them, in fullness, the light of the truth, like a miraculous basket of bread and fish that overflows inexhaustibly before the eagerness of the crowds. "Truly feel that you are at My table, waiting for Me to distribute the bread and offer you the wine. You know that I speak to you in a figurative meaning, reminding you of My word of the Second Era, since the bread is My word and the wine the Divine essence contained therein. "Bread and wine, flesh and blood, manna and water; all of that has been the representation of love and life, which is the eternal sustenance of your spirit. "The manna of the wilderness and the water of the rock represented, in its time, the bread and wine of the spirit; they are the same symbols that I partook at My table when, surrounded by My disciples, I said to them: "Eat and drink, this is My body and this is My blood." With this lesson I opened before mankind a new era, that of love. "Today, new disciples congregate around Me and the multitudes follow My footsteps again; but no longer is the figurative meaning, nor the parable, the means through which I come to make you understand the divine lessons. It is the clear word which speaks to your mind with a Divine essence, that you can only perceive through your spirit." ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - The Promised Land Now that we are analyzing things under the of the Sixth Seal we must try to find the profound spiritual meaning of the Promised Land. We must be aware that the Promised Land is of a spiritual nature and it is found beyond this world, thus in order to reach it we must do so in spirit after crossing the great desert of trials of this time. God in His great love towards us offers an oasis in the middle of the dessert for us to be saved. This oasis is His Doctrine. His Doctrine gives shade and offers its crystaline and fresh spiritual waters to those who seek refuge in it. If we are looking for our spiritual liberation we will approach the oasis where we can rest and meditate on His word. In this way, we will be strengthened in the recognition of His Law and eventually we will follow the long forgotten route designated for our evolution. If we would understand that the Earth has been created for all of us without distinction and if we would learn to share in a just way with our brethren all the material and spiritual treasures with which our existence is sowed, God assures us that here on Earth we would begin to feel the peace of the Spiritual Kingdom. It is about time to break with ancient traditions in order to reach the moral and spiritual evolution; to stop worshiping the golden calf; to cease looking towards earth and to elevate our eyes towards heaven in search of the one who from the beginning was promised as our Savior. Then we will start understanding that nothing in the world, no treasure, no abundance can compare to the peace of the spirit. Many of us feel the nostalgia for our spiritual homeland, after searching in vain for the perfect peace on this Earth. Men carry the cross of pain and ask themselves why have they not as yet reached the Promised Land, but the hour is not far when those that elevating their spirit and their human life shall see appear before them the first lights of the Great City. Who shall be the ones who will reach it? Who will be the ones who will be able to go through its doors? All of us as a whole shall reach that Realm which is the realm of peace, the promised realm that is waiting for the blessed people of God in eternity. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -More About Myths 1) Moses wrote by himself the 5 first books of the Old Testament. Although this is a very cherished belief for many, it lacks of historic grounds to be asserted. Moreover, if this were true, it becomes contradictory that Moses narrates his own death in Deuteronomy 33 and 34! 2) The Pharisees were the ones responsible for the trial and conviction of Jesus. It was the Saducees who dominated that year the Sanhedrin, or Council of the Elder (Caiphas and Annas were not Pharisees). In fact, it was Gamaliel, a Pharisee, the one that saved Peter and John from sacrifice. Saulus or Paul was a Pharisee himself. 3) The Crucifixion took place on a Friday. The Jewish people have always counted the start of the day at the fall of the sun, so for example, the Sabbath starts not on Saturday but on Friday; therefore, the Crucifixion took place on Thursday as stated in John's Gospel (all of Jesus followers were Jewish). Otherwise, the Resurrection would have happened not the third day as written, but on the second day instead, which of course, is false. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -Final Word: We are seeing war and hatred escalating in different parts of the world; and surely this is the time foretold by the prophets and by Jesus Himself, when nation against nation would rise. We, as followers of the Holy Spirit shall not take sides since all men are our brethren. Instead, we must pray for them all, that is our duty of love. Your Brother in the Lord The Little Worker **** PAST ISSUES AT http://144000.net/newsletter/ ****