____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  *** The Little Worker's Newsletter *** ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  Published by CDTTT-The Committee for the Difussion of The Third Testament Issue of April 2004 _________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS: - First Word - The Holy Week - The Essence of Symbols - Last Word ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - First Word This time is of remembrance for many in the Christian world... time to evoke the Passion of our Lord, though we should understand that that passion didn't started with the birth of a little child in Bethelehem nor finished with the sacrifice of that same child as a man in a cross at the Golgotha. Under the divine light of the teachings of this Third Era, we now understand and know that the Passion of God for us is incessant, never ending. And that the Christ that once lived in that perfect man, Jesus of Nazareth, has always been and will be in God, as John explained unequivocally at the beginning of his Gospel. We will analyze a little about this subject in this issue. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - The Holy Week Also known as the Passion Week, it takes place precisely a week before Easter, which is celebrated on the Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox. This has to do with the Jewish Passover, since we have to remember that Jesus was born Jewish and as such, He followed the uses and customs belonging to the people of that time and place. The reason for Him and His apostles to gather and celebrate what now is called The Last Supper, was precisely to obey the command given to the Israelites by Moses to remember the sparing of the Hebrews in Egypt, when the angel of God, smiting the firstborn of the Egyptians, passed over the houses of the Israelites which were marked with the blood of a lamb. "I came during the Second Era as a Man, preaching My truth through example. I stopped the unnecessary sacrifice of innocent and ignorant beings, sacrificing Myself for the sake of a perfect lesson of love. lamb of God you called Me, for having been sacrificed by those people in their traditional feasts. In truth, My blood was shed to teach those men the way toward their redemption." Teaching 276:15 During the Crucifixion, only a few were at the Calvary with Jesus. All of His disciples, with the exception of John and Magdalene, had flew from the Divine Master's side, fearful of the mobs and of Jesus powerful enemies. Does this means that the blood of Jesus, shed as a symbol of redemption and salvation, only concerned those at the foot of the cross? Or did it covered humankind as a whole, not only the one living in that time but in all eras? "During that Era there was only a crowd that witnessed My crucifixion and My death; however, the blood of the Lamb was shed upon all mankind, to show them the path of their restitution. Thus, during this period, I shall speak to these congregations, but the light of My Spirit is spread all over the world." Teaching 53:7 But, alas! Most of Christianity has misunderstood the true meaning of the life and death of Jesus, thus blinding itself to the light of the divine lessons delivered thru the examples of the love given by the Divine Master all througthout His existence in this world. And instead of an spiritual remembrance, the multitudes have chosen to follow fanatic ceremonies and rites that have nothing to do with that true worship that Jesus Himself spoke to the women in Samaria: The spiritual worship. "It is now time for the Spirit of Truth to reign, and for the religious fanaticism to be removed from the heart of mankind. "At this moment, My Spirit feels a great rejoicing on finding Myself among My disciples to whom I come to offer the wine from My table of love, not the wine of grape which will never cease to be the juice of the vine, but rather, My very own spiritual life. "Time has long since passed when I said to you to remember the Holy Cenacle, taking the bread and the wine in My memory. Today I come to teach your spirit to nourish himself with the essence of My teaching of love, and to do so without any symbolism. "I have not come attempting to make you recall those sufferings which correspond to another era, although you shall weep with My lesson, but that weeping must be of repentance. "The world is a chalice filled with bitterness; but Christ, the Word of the Father, comes filled with love to continue the teaching of infinite charity which I have given to mankind. In this period I come to show you the path you must follow to attain redemption from your sins. "However, I do not want you to merely carry Christ in your thoughts, but rather to testify, with deeds of love, the truth of His doctrine. "Observe how, on this day, many of My children erroneously symbolize that Last Supper when I reunited with My disciples for the last time. My Words, My lessons of love, have been falsified. At this instant the Divine Word, in a direct communication with all spirits, gives His love, just as He handed out the bread among His disciples. "Behold Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, whom the mobs judged as an agitator and rebel. Remember that the Man God came to the world and said: "These are My children, for whom I will shed My blood to the last drop." Now, My beloved children, I have simply come to speak to you. During that era gone by, I spoke to you in parables, and many times you did not understand Me, because you gave My Words an erroneous meaning." Teaching 130:3-9 The symbolic meaning of the events that took place during that week, some 1,970 years ago, still has not been taught to the masses by the religions and sects. Perhaps we should take a quick overview of the most significant of them: The bread and the wine in the Last Supper. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - The Essence of Symbols After those many years, humanity still lives in confusion regarding the significance of the symbols that were used in the Second Era, during the time in which the Christ lived and walked over this earth. Far from the material nature of the bread and wine, its spiritual meaning is something that hasn't been quite explained yet at its fullest to the men and women that follow the different Christian religions and sects. "And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed [it], and brake [it], and gave [it] to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. "And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave [it] to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; "For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. Matthew 26:26-28 Thus, for example, many believe due to literalism that the Christ changed, in fact, the nature of the bread that He broke and of the wine that He shared with His beloved friends and disciples. After all, He changed water into wine years before, at the Cana wedding, isn't? Well, yes, but there is quite a difference between the two events: At Cana, the guests to the wedding were to drink wine... actual wine; and you know what? They did! But, does it make any sense that instead of eating bread, the disciples ate actual flesh from their friend and Master? And do you really believe that they drank actual blood instead of the symbolic wine? If this has happened, where was the lesson, where the teaching and the deep significance of those moments? Is it wise to think that they, Jesus and His disciples, performed some sort of cannibalistic ritual just before the announced departure of Jesus, instead of talking about much more elevated things? "Truly feel that you are at My table, waiting for Me to distribute the bread and offer you the wine. You know that I speak to you in a figurative meaning, reminding you of My Word of the Second Era, since the bread is My Word and the wine the Divine essence contained therein. "Bread and wine, flesh and blood, manna and water; all of that has been the representation of love and life, which is the eternal sustenance of your spirit. "The manna of the wilderness and the water of the rock represented, in its time, the bread and wine of the spirit; they are the same symbols that I partook at My table when, surrounded by My disciples, I said to them: "Eat and drink, this is My body and this is My blood." With this lesson I opened before mankind a new era, that of love. "Today, new disciples congregate around Me and the multitudes follow My footsteps again; but no longer is the figurative meaning, nor the parable, the means through which I come to make you understand the divine lessons. It is the clear word which speaks to your mind with a Divine essence, that you can only perceive through your spirit. "Meditate on these lessons disciples, and you will come to understand that the time of the figurative meaning and of the symbols is about to end, because your spiritual evolution and your mental development will permit you to better comprehend the truth. "I am among you, although you cannot touch Me with your hands, nor behold Me with your physical eyes. I come in Spirit to speak to you and to teach you how you should seek Me in your prayer. "I will not leave any material trace of My new manifestation, just as I did not leave any during the Second Era, in spite of having lived among you. "Humanity is inclined to idolatry and to consecrate material objects to regard them as divine and make them an object of adoration. "What would have become of mankind if they would have been able to retain My body, the cross of My torment, or the bitter cup of that Last Supper with My disciples? However, everything was erased so that only My Divine essence would remain within the spirit of humanity. "In previous times I also withdrew from the sight of men, both the objects which had served as symbols, as well as the envoys or interpreters. "In the First Era, while upon a mountain, Moses disappeared from his people who idolized him. Elijah, the prophet of fire, was lost among a cloud which lifted him from the Earth. One and the other, like Jesus, left in the spirits only the trace of their deeds as spiritual essence." Teaching 74:2-9 The same Christ that taught us to render God a spiritual worship, was to contradict Himself at the last moment, oblivious to His own doctrine, lived and demonstrated during all His human life? Reflect upon this, and you will clearly see that the spiritual essence of the Cenacle, bread and wine, the crown of thorns, the cross and the wound at Jesus side, was profound and endless. (All quotes taken from excerpts of The Third Testament) ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - Final Word: I invite you, my dearly beloved, to dedicate a few moments every day to invoke the divine guidance to illuminate the minds and hearts of the world leaders, so the escalating of violence and intolerance cease or at least, decrease. We must not take sides; it doesn't matter who started first -though many conflicts in the world have lasted for ages-, the relevant thing is that someone, somewhere, must finish it before it is too late. I know, I know... it is prophesied that all what is happening right now is the threshold of greater sufferings for mankind; but this is precisely the best reason why we should keep on being watchful and pray for all: Culprits and innocents, offenders and offended, old or young, in all nations and in all situations. Great is our responsibility, great is our task; but all the spiritual tools and weapons are in our spirit and in our heart. Let use them! Your Brother in the Lord The Little Worker PASS THE WORD: If you find this humble newsletter interesting enough, feel free to copy it and send it to our friends, family and colleagues... and why not? Start your own mailing list! **** PAST ISSUES AT http://144000.net/newsletter/ **** UNSUBSCRIBE (instant!): http://144000.net/remove.htm