____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  *** The Little Worker's Newsletter *** Issue of December 2005 Published by CDTTT - The Committee for the Difussion of The Third Testament _________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS: - First Word - The absolute truth - Which is the absolute truth? - Jesus, the child - Final Word ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - First Word In this issue of our humble newsletter, we will see amongst other topics, one that is quite controversial: Does the absolute truth exist? And next, we will pass into remembrance of some things regarding the most tender celebration of them all: That of the birth of the Messiah. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - The absolute truth The absolute truth... Some deny it (in an absolute manner, I must add), and some affirm, by the contrary, that it does exist. Those who deny it, put forward that everything is relative and among those who say that, there are even some who quote Einstein in support of their asseveration! which probably would ended surprising and upseting Einstein if he were still incarnated in this world. Einstein never stated that the absolute truth did not exist (just one, not many); what he objected and refused was that time was absolute, as Isaac Newton had previously assured. Joking about this matter, Einstein explained: "Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity." "A thousand years, before Thee, are like yesterday which was gone or like a vigil in the night" Psalms 40:1 And the Father Himself tells us this in this Third Era: "What are a few centuries of sin and of tenebrae such as Mankind has had on Earth, if you compare them with eternity, with a span of time without end, of evolution and of peace?" The Third Testament The problem for those who state that the absolute truth does not exist, is found precisely in what they say: They actually believe in it as an absolute truth! or at least they try to convince us of it. Here a question arises: If it is the truth that the absolute truth does not exist, well then, not even this one? Because if we agree with them, to state that the absolute truth does not exist turns out to be something relative! and because of that, that asseveration could be false. In other words: It is an absolute truth that there is no absolute truth? The contradiction is contained in the very same affirmation. On the other hand, we know that for certain that in science there exist absolutes: The notion of space is. And according to the famous scientist Stephen Hawking, in the number 1 there is also found an absolute. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - Which is the absolute truth? In view of the previous, then another important question arises, a very crucial one I would say: Which is the absolute truth? "No man possesses the absolute truth nor is it contained in any book. That divine clarity, the omnipotent power; that infinite love, the absolute wisdom; that perfect justice, is in God. He is the only truth. The Third Testament It is that simple... Sure, there are people who are at fight with the word "God"... apparently, it would seem that these people would not have the least complaint if that same concept or notion had another word as a reference: The Being, Supreme Being, Architect of the Universe, Cause of Causes, etc. At the end we all are talking about the same being, all love, all perfection; we, the followers of this Doctrine, prefer to call him Father, as Jesus used to. Human science itself has evolved to the degree of having quantum physicists saying now that everything starts and ends with something intangible, undefinible and incomprehensible, an idea that generated everything... absolutely everything. And who would have guessed? To illustrate their mathematical concepts, some of them like to refer to it as Alpha and Omega! Just as John's Book of Revelation or Apocalypse! In the interesting documentary film "What the Bleep?", various physicists mathematicians affirm that when you reach the last instance of the subatomic, you'll only find there the idea... there is no substance, no matter, no energy, only an idea. And that idea comes from God (or Being, or Supreme Being, etc.)... and we know that God, by definition, is love. Man tries to explain this absolute in vain... it remains to be a futile task to try to understand the incomprehensible. "Truly I say to you, that My power, My wisdom and love surpasses all that the human mind can ever imagine, for all that is beyond what you know and what you will ever know." The Third Testament Let us ponder a little over this, brothers. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - Jesus, the child Dearly beloved, we are reaching that time of year where we celebrate the most tender of all ocassions: The birth of the Messiah, some 2000 years ago. Certainly, comercialism and the greed of many have come to weaken this celebration, which from being something profoundly inward and spiritual, has come to be something almost profane and mundane. And futhermore, in their greedy attempts to sell more, big bussinesses have decided not to use the phrase "Merry Christmas" anymore, so now they use instead the vague phrase "Happy Holidays"... But the birth of the Messiah is something that goes far beyond setting a Christmas tree, of putting lights in the roofs or the windows, or exchanging gifts... The fact that the Divine Verb did take matter to become like us in the flesh, is something that exceeds our comprehension. It trascends time, places, cultures... "In Jesus, the Only child of Mary, God Himself descended from His Kingdom, became man, and came to dwell and live among men, but that event was and is inscrutable, inexplicable even to us, the spiritual beings." The Guardians (The Third Testament) Let us imagine for a moment what would had became of us if this had not ever happened. What would be of Humanity if that little child were never born? While rememebering this marvelous event, let us go to Mary, our Heavenly Mother, who narrates to us an unknown passage of Jesus childhood: "Mary, your Mother, is going to talk to you about how Jesus was on Earth." "His eyes were gentle, His hands soft. He was like an iris, His voice was caressing and His word illuminated like a star. He was like a balsam, like a cooing of a dove. He always spoke of the Kingdom of His Father, of good and beautitul things, and the men and the children listened to Him transported into a superior world." "How much love for the children! When they came to me, they said to me: we came looking for our friend Jesus. How many beautiful things did my eyes contemplate! How much joy did my spirit experience for having been the Mother of Jesus!" "As a child, an elderly man came close to Him saying: "I know that you possess certain virtues and I came to you seeking help. My sown field is withering for lack of water. Jesus accompanied the ancient to those fields and after elevating His eyes toward the Heavens, He spoke a few words and torrential water fell, fertilizing everything. The ancient gathered an abundant harvest and said to me: "This child has a virtue that the Lord has given him, since never had my fields produced so much, nor have my granaries been so full. And the Mother was happy contemplating the fulfillment of the word of the Father and the obedience of the Son." A Message from Mary (The Third Testament) Oh, beloved brothers! How much light and how much peace these divine words irradiate! This Christmas, let us step away far from the mundane noise of the almost pagan celebrations, with which a meaningless, materialized word has replaced this date. By elevating ourselves in spirit, we can celebrate it with a spiritual feast in our memory and in our heart... Merry Christmas to all!... ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - Final Word Let us not forget, my dear brothers, to pray for those that, this Christmas, will not have a night of peace... let us elevate our thoughts to send them to those who, burdened by fanaticism, ignorance and human passions, are striken by war, death, disease and hunger. May the peace of my Father be with all my brothers. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  May the peace of my Father be with all my brothers Your brother in the Lord The Little Worker ************************************************************* Join as an spiritual volunteer to the Spiritual Corps of Workers http://www.144000.net/cuerpo/ ************************************************************* PASS THE WORD: If you find this humble newsletter interesting enough, feel free to copy it and send it to your friends, family and colleagues... and why not? Start your own mailing list! **** PAST ISSUES AT http://144000.net/newsletter/ **** ************************************************************* UNSUBSCRIBE (instant!): http://144000.net/remove.htm