____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  *** The Little Worker's Newsletter *** Issue of December 2006 Published by CDTTT - The Committee for the Difussion of The Third Testament _________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS: - First Word - The Holy Night Divine Teaching - Final Word ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - First Word We are, again, in that joyful season in which we celebrate the arrival of a sweet baby boy, some 2000 years ago. We gather with people we love to share a smile, a hug, perhaps a little gift or a loaf of bread. We feel filled with a sense of peace and happiness and yes, as the song goes, 'It's the most wonderful time of the year'. But these beautiful feelings arised by Christmas, so dear to us, seem so far away from others! Our world, this world we all did and created with our past and present deeds and thoughts, is quite imperfect. We regard ourselves as living in a civilization, which as Ghandi once said: 'I think it would be a very good idea', for we realize that we have unjustice, misery, poverty, hunger and egotism almost everywhere. Many men and women of good will around the globe, are aware of this and suffer because of it, asking: 'What can I do?' Well, a lot. We can do a lot... from right there, exactly from where you are sitting now. It only takes a few moments of your time and a little good will from your spirit. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - The Holy Night Divine Teaching No one should think that the Father came in this era, to erase from our heart the purest feast that we celebrate in the year when we commemorate the Nativity of Jesus. Instead, He teaches us to give to the world what pertains to the world and to the spirit what pertains to the spirit. If we have so many feasts to celebrate human events, why don抰 we leave this feast to the spirit, so that he, converted into a child, draws near to offer Him, our Lord, his present of love, so that he acquires the simplicity of those shepherds that adored the child Jesus, and the humility of those wise men that bowed their heads and presented their science before the owner of the true wisdom? This is the most tender commemoration of the many we observe for our Master. The hearts of the children overflow in jubilation, and that of the elders is flooded with peace and hope in the Saviour. We are the ones that have had the grace of knowing this divine word, and we are of the very few who commemorate this feast without rituals, celebrating it within the pureness of the heart, without falling into profanation. It is because the teachings and the love of our Heavenly Father, that the comprehension has reached our mind. Let us, then, open our mind and heart to the words of our Lord: "Holy, you call this night, you who remember when the Rabbi came to the world. "Under the Divine influence of those memories, all beings come closer, those absent are brought to mind, the offenses are forgiven, families are united, friends visit one another, hearts are filled with hope. It seems that everyone awaits something unknown which they are unable to define, on this Night, when men manifest a little tenderness in their hardened hearts, and others a little spirituality over their materialism. "But I ask you: "Do you believe that only this Night deserves to be called holy by men? With a little love, could you not make it possible that every night and day of your existence be holy, so that you may see that all of life, without exception of a single instant, is holy?" "Ah! If you could come with Me in spirit and behold from here all the misery of Humanity! "If the powerful, the wealthy and those who live surrounded in comfort would like to be with Me on this night, I would take them in spirit to those places of suffering and poverty which they do not want to see. "Then I would say to them: "Leave your feasting for a while, and together we will go through those places where your poor brethren live. Let us see how they live on this blessed night, of sorrow for some and feasting for others. Do not fear," I would say to them, "I am only asking for a few moments, and then you can return to your feasting and merriment." "Then I would take them from place to place, and I would show them an aged mother who, in the loneliness of her miserable bedroom, mourns the loss of her sons who were her hope, and who were snatched from her by the war. "That woman lives only through memories and prayers. While many become intoxicated with pleasure, she drinks her cup of bitterness; her spirit only waits for that hour to leave this world and penetrate into eternity, because her hope in Humanity has long been dead. "Later I would show them the children, wandering among Humanity who does not respect the life of their fellowman, that do not love nor comprehend those in need. "I would make those men listen the very profound questions of the children, who, in their human innocence, ask themselves the why of so much injustice, so much hatred, selfishness and cruelty. "Then I would take them to those places where the moanings and lamentations of the sick are smothered; of those who have seen their body succumb, like a twig breaking when lashed by a hurricane; those are the sick, the rejected, the forgotten ones. "Later on I would allow the prison doors to be opened in order to behold the thousands of beings who have fallen into the darkness of captivity for lack of love, charity, light, justice and peace. "And thus, from place to place, I would present to them, in one single scene, all the misery and pain which has been brought about by the ambitions, the greed, the hatred, the materialism and the insatiable thirst for power of the conceited ones with their false lordliness, of those who believe themselves powerful, but are not; neither do they allow others to possess what justly corresponds to them. "However, I do not call on them, because I know that even though My voice is heard within their conscience, they are deaf to its calling. "But you, My beloved people, who are listening to Me, who know of privations, of loneliness, indifference and forlornness, and for that reason vibrate together with that Humanity who weeps in hunger and thirsts for justice, come to Me, and together, in spirit, we shall visit the sick, the sorrowful, all the poor and forgotten ones of the world. "Do you see those multitudes who are full of animation? They are soldiers who have paused briefly from their battle to offer Me a few minutes of prayer and remembrance; but their joy and animation are fictitious; they eat and drink to calm their sorrows, but in their heart there is great pain. "They suffer, O! My people! They suffer very much, and above all during this night, which is torture for them; each memory is a thorn, each name or face they recall is like a wound. "Many of them suffer taking away lives, destroying homes and cities, sowing pain, grief and tears, and then they believe to have lost all rights to return home, to peace, to the bosom of their loved ones. "I know that many of them are not guilty; they do not harbour hatred or perversity in their heart. I know that they are victims, slaves and instruments of the real guilty ones. "Only I can rescue them, only My love can shield them, for they are alone in the world. "Pray, O! My People! and in so doing you make it possible for the world to hope for the dawn of a new day; that men can remember My promise, the one that speaks of better times, of spirituality and happiness. "I also say to you: "Let us go to the heart of the children and seek those who lack everything. Behold them - they sleep, and in their sleep there is no reproach toward anyone, even though their bed is very hard." "Today there was no bread upon the table; nevertheless, they rest with hope for a new day. They dress in rags, but they feel no shame, because they are innocent and they smile, though their bodies lack warmth. They are angels on Earth, for in their innocent smiles, they reflect something of the purity of the Heavens. "O! Innocence! Shield them with your mantle, for theirs is the Kingdom of the Heavens. "All of you call this night a Holy Night and I pour a shower of blessings upon all My children. "You must know that I am yours and you are mine. Remember that I proved My love, coming to live amongst you humble people, being born in poverty, struggling among thistles and dying in disgrace. "You cannot say that I do not understand you, for I not only have seen your pain, but I have lived through it. "I also speak about the elderly, those who long ago left the prime of their lives, and now they feel the cold of winter. As they grow older, they are lacking strength, the energy, and health; the work becomes heavy, their limbs turn sluggish and their services are no longer required. "Thus the elderly see themselves excluded from the struggle of the rest; they feel abandoned, and their heart, depressed, sinks with sadness and has to experience hardship, misery, hunger and loneliness. I speak about them, because they also need your aid and comfort. Love them, O! My people! And you will have the right to sit at the great table of the spiritual banquet where I will say to you: "Blessed are you who, in imitation of the Master, were able to understand all those who suffer." "Is it possible that the heart of mankind is not moved before the great scenes of suffering and misery that this Humanity presents? Yes, yes it is possible: though I see those who do not suffer misery, regard with a caressing look the wealth they possess, with a fondness greater than that for those beings, the children of God. "Beloved people: You have accompanied Me during these brief moments to visit the needy; blessed are you for that. Do not think that I forsake the rich and the powerful because apparently they do not need Me; I am the only One who better knows their misery and their bitterness, and who is better aware of their misfortunes; but today they believe to have it all; therefore, why should they seek Me since I am, according to them, the Christ of the sick, of the outcast, of the sorrowful? They are not aware that My mission is to save them from their false splendour, in order to give them the true and eternal happiness. "Aside from you, My people, do you know who else has tenderly listened to My Word and has felt her Spirit vibrate with love? It is Mary, the Maternal Spirit who dwells within the bosom of the Creator, and whose essence will always be united with the memory of Jesus. "Her passage on Earth, although longer than mine - because she came before and departed afterward - was short; Her words, brief and sweet, were a celestial caress. "Sense Her in spirit, love Her and seek Her spiritually; know that in as many charitable deeds that you perform, She will be with you; that She has her mantle of intercession and tenderness extended over an ailing and bloody world, and that in each of your complaints or afflictions, you can hear a voice responding with tenderness: "Do not fear, be confident, for I am here." "And thus, My people, you have been with Me; My gentle breath has penetrated into your heart on this Holy Night, and I have made you forget every hardship. "Pray, so that the light of your Saviour be your guide and lead you through this stormy sea in which Humanity have made shipwreck." The Third Testament ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - Final Word Dearly beloved: We now are aware that the best commemoration, the one that pleases the most before the Lord, is the one that we do when we apply to our life, with our best effort, the examples of the Master, when we live His Doctrine every single day of the year. And this coming New Year's Eve, let us make a toast for a better year for all of us, everywhere in this world. May the peace of my Father be with all my brothers Your brother in the Lord The Little Worker  - Past Topics ** True redemption http://www.144000.net/newindex/topics/0/true_redemption_1.htm ** What man is capable of http://www.144000.net/newindex/topics/2006/03/what_man_is_capable_of.htm ** The sweet flavor of repent http://www.144000.net/newindex/topics/0/the_sweet_flavor_of_repent.htm ************************************************************* Join as an spiritual volunteer to the Spiritual Corps of Workers http://www.144000.net/cuerpo/ ************************************************************* PASS THE WORD: If you find this humble newsletter interesting enough, feel free to copy it and send it to your friends, family and colleagues... and why not? Start your own mailing list! **** PAST ISSUES AT http://144000.net/newsletter/ **** ************************************************************* UNSUBSCRIBE (instant!): http://144000.net/remove.htm