____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  *** The Little Worker *** ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  Published by CDTTT-The Committee for the Difussion of The Third Testament February 2000 _________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS: - Editor's Note - The True Meaning of Love - Children of the Lord - A Final Note ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -Editor's Note Well, we are in February and following the trend so extended nowadays, this is the month of the very first Valentine's Day...of the millennium! So, taking on the subject of these days, we think it would be a good idea to meditate on the true meaning of love...after all, the 14th is not only the remembrace of Saint Patrick's birth but also it is the day of friendship and love, isn't it? And what better way to celebrate it if not by taking a glance on what the teachings of the Third Era have to tell us regarding love? Also in this issue we are covering one very special topic: children. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - The true meaning of love Love...such a short and yet, powerful word...it embraces so many things! But some confuse it only as the passion of the flesh or the feeling of infatuation, both of which, of course, could be very well part of something bigger: the real and true love. "Although much is spoken about love on Earth, actually, it does not exist among you. There are some who feign it, others confuse it with an egotistical sentiment, and others with a lower passion." But then, what is love? "Love is the light of the spirit. Love is the immutable power that moves the Universe. Love is the beginning and the essence of life. Love is the beginning and the end in the destiny of everything created by the Father. Love is a summary of all the attributes of the Divinity, and God has lit that flame in every spiritual creature. Love is the essence of God." The Book of The True Life. The Third Testament. Love is a virtue, love is a gift, love is everything. But, how many men and women wander thru life without loving and because of that, not allowing anyone to love them. "Love; he who does not love, carries within a profound sadness; that of not possessing, of not feeling the most beautiful and elevated sentiment of life." And on the contrary, how rich becomes a person when he or she loves, without hesitation, without the need to explain it rationally. "Everyone who loves shall be rich, because he will feel loved. Love; even though you are not loved by those you love! Be like Jesus. Love is above all trifles." What do we need to love? Is that a talent or something that we can develop? Are there schools for love? "Love is not learned; it is felt. You carry it within, as all chil-dren on being formed have received all their gifts and attributes. Then, penetrate within yourselves and search for the virtues that I have pla-ced in your being and practice them along your pathways." So, love is within ourselves from the very beginning. Thus, it is also our real nature. Why? " Love is a cause, the beginning, a source of wisdom, of greatness, of strength, of elevation, and of life. That is the true pathway that the Creator has outlined for the spirit, so that from step to step, and from mansion to mansion, he will feel nearer to Me each time." "I have revealed to you that the spark that gives life and animates everything, is love; it is the origin from where all laws of nature have emerged. Here then, you were born from love; you exist by love; you are forgiven by love, and you shall attain perfection by love." Perfection by love...what an interesting and stimulating notion, isn磘 it? And from that notion we can deduct that since we are in the path of perfection and that path is the fulfillment of the divine Law, that Law must be somehow related with love. "Love is the origin of My Law. Love is the objective of all works; that is what I have come to teach you in all eras: Love, peace, and charity. These virtues are within you and you will not even have to learn to love." "From lesson to lesson, I have led Humanity toward the understanding that the Law can be summarized in only one commandment: Love." ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -Children of the lord ""Let the children come to Me," I say to you once more. Do not think that because they are small they cannot perceive Me." Teaching 118:1 We often wander how much responsibility we have towards our children. God in its inmense love towards us, his children, allows us to experience parenthood. We are allowed to create a human being that will be similar to us. This wonderful and unique experience gives us an opportunity to grow and undestand the meaning of freedom among other things. When the baby is born he or she is completely dependent on us to survive though he or she already has a divine mission in life to fulfil. We as parents, are in charge of guiding this child, protecting him or her but at the same time giving him or her the necessary tools so he or she will be able to lead a fructiferous life. The tools we can give them are many. For example, to teach them to be always vigilant. By doing so you are preparing them to be sensitive enough to listen to the needs other have and are not able to tell for a number of reasons, by fear, by lonelyness, you name it. You can also teach them to give without asking anything in return. By doing so they learn the true meaning of charity. 4. When you observe the children, do so with respect, because you do not know what spirits are hidden within; but of what you can be certain of is, that within each one of those young beings, there exists a past that involves a whole life history, and a whole life of evolution. "The spirit, while living in the infancy of his flesh, needs the help of the elders because the flesh is too weak to support him. He requires tenderness, so that his heart does not become hardened, and he also needs examples and teachings to develop and strengthen him until the time comes to manifest himself." Teaching 118:5 To be tolerant is another good tool, with it you become aware that people are different and have different needs. Teach them how to forgive, as forgiveness will bring peace to their heart. Serenity and faith will help them along the evolutionary path of their lives. Teach them how to pray so they learn how to become free from dangers and stumbling blocks, from snares and darkness. You can teach them all these tools, first, by simplifying and placing the teachings of the Lord within their understanding; and second, by never forgetting that the best method of explaning His lessons will be through the virtue of your life in which they will see your acts of charity, patience, your humility and spirituality. That will be the best way to teach them as they learn by the example, what they see. All these lessons are absorbed by the spirit as the matter is only the means for the spirit to be able to express itself. The flesh is not bound by this responsibility notice how once dead it is, it rests forever on earth. "No matter how many debts, or blemishes, the spirit may have, when he is in his infancy, the flesh participates in his purity and innocence. That is the time when the spirit needs all kinds of help, so as not to deviate from the path." Teaching 118:2 When children grow, and as they are granted with the free will gift, as we all are, it is time for them to decide which road they are going to take and we as parents we just sit and wait to see if the seed we planted in their hearts will blossom so they will stay in the path of light. We have the responsibility to let them chose their own destiny, nothing can be imposed. "Each spirit brings his own message, and in order to express it, it is important that everything is favorable around him." Teaching 118:5 All quotes taken from The Book of The True Life he Third Testament ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -A Final Note Beloved, enjoy the love that you give as much as the love that you receive; because there is no greater treasure that the one that comes with love. And we, as followers of the Divine teachings of the Third Era, shall remember that wonderful phrase that contains the most elevated wisdom of all: "Love one another". Your Brother in the Lord The Little Worker http://144000.net/