The Little Worker's Newsletter Topics from the Third Testament Published by CDTTT-The Committee for the Difussion of The Third Testament Issue of February 1999 _________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS: -Love and Friendship -The power of Thought -Guest Column: Daily Life -Editors' Note ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  Love and Friendship In many countries the day of love and friendship is celebrated during the month of February. For some reason, the whole month is now linked with friendship, love and valentines. Many believe that after so much repetition, they have lost their real value and essence. Could this be the case? Famous persons have spoken about love, and it would seem that about love, everything has been said.. It has been mentioned in verse and prose; in music it has been sung in every language to communicate that "all you need is love"; and a famous fashion designer affirmed that "if a woman is not loved, she is totally lost." That phrase could be completed with: And if a woman (or a man) does not love, she (or he) is even more lost. Love is not the privilege of any one sex, it cannot be said that one loves more than the other. Love is the spirit's gift, and the spirit does not have a sex; it encarnates in man or woman. Friendship is also an expression of love. "When there is love within a creature, for that love everything is forgiven, suffered, sacrificed, be it love of man for a woman, or woman for a man, of a friend for a friend, of a brother for a brother; in that love it is manifested between them, tolerance, charity, sacrifice; nothing is percieved with any deffects, everyhting becomes noble and beautiful."The Third Testament. The Guardians. Teaching 40:32. "When good will manifests itself amongst you, and you treat each other with love and affection, a smile on your lips appears, your looks are tender, your words are simple and sweet, in your face happiness is drawn and you help each other with love; and it is because there beside you, there is a guardian spirit, a spirit of light; it is when you feel that an unselfish love bathes you, self sacrificing, willing to deliver goodness to humanity, and there is within you, through the influence of the spiritual world of light, forgiveness, charity, willingness to sacrifice for your brothers." The Third Testament. The Guardians. Teaching 40:37. Never will everything about love will have been said, there will always be something new discovered, unedited, because by being in constant evolution we find within ourselves feelings that we were not familiar with. "Love is the beginning of My Law. Love is the final outcome of all works; it is what I have come to teach you in all times. Love, peace and charity are virtues within you, you do not even have to learn to love". The Third Testament. Book of the True Life. Teaching 347:35 "Love is not learned, but it is felt, it is taken within you, as in all creatures that upon being formed have received all their gifts and attributes; then penetrate within yourselves, seek the virtues that I have left within your being, and practice them in your paths." The Third Testament . The Book of the True Life. Teaching 347:36 Contrary to some current trends of thought stating that there are some people that love too much, we believe that this is not really the case because we have not yet learned how to give what our Father has placed within us and what he has taught us. And, let us remember that one must not only speak of love, it must be felt, manifested, even in the inperfect manner which we have done so in the past, since we are indeed inperfect. Let us also remember that noone can claim that he cannot love because he does not know love, because we have been loved since eternity. Before creating us, our Father already loved us without needing us to love Him first; that is how we must love, without expecting anything in return. Let us continue in the path of love acting and thinking in love, not only during these dates, but always. Let us do with each day of our lives a celebration of love and friendship. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  The Power of Thought When we realize that thought is something prodigious, we may not cease to be amazed. When our Father tells us that we are a thought of love which sprouted from Him, the power of thought takes a different dimension before us. "Each spirit has sprouted from a pure thought of the Divinity, that is why the spirits are a perfect work of the Creator." The Third Testament. Book of the True Life Teaching 236:16. When we become aware that with thought death can also be given, we must be alert to the fact that good as well as evil can be transmitted from a distance; we must be careful of not sending thoughts that can provoke war. "I tell you to pray, because he who does not, delivers himself to superfluous thoughts, material and often insane, with which, without being aware, foment and feed homicidal wars." The Third Testament. Book of the True Life. Teaching 9:26. Upon studying the teachings of our Father, we become aware that with thought in our prayer we can deliver to an entire region our love converted in peace, charity and good wishes. We fill ourselves with faith and gratitude towards Him for giving us so many samples of His love and for inviting us to be His assistants in such a large work. "When you pray, your thought, as if it were a sword of light, scratches the veils of darkness and the ties to temptation that today are imprisoning many beings, saturate the surroundings with spirituality, and counteracts the evil forces ." The Third Testament. Book of the True Life. Teaching 9:26. When in the end we are able to unite out thought to that of our brothers in one and same intention, as it is to do good, similar to the sound waves, we shall be able to multiply our efforts until achieving results that we cannot imagine. "This is the language that I listen to, the one that I understand; the language without words, the one of truth and sincerity. This is the prayer which I have come to teach you in this Third Era." The Third Testament. Book of the True Life. Teaching 358:54 ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  Invited Column: The Daily Life Chains A little less than twenty years, many things happened in my life that changed it completely. One does not understand how one event can be so trancendental in the future. But, it is enough to turn your head back to understand how many things that have remained behind , how many struggles, but also how many gifts and powers that I never thought were within me, and due to necessity came out. Often, burdened by problems, I extended my hand in search of help; I felt so small, that I thought that any of them were larger than me. I contemplated those who depended on me and I was filled with fear thinking how I could take them forward, when I myself did not know the way. But help was near. I now understand that it was the Father's hand, that by making use of the disposition and deliverance of a good brother, manifested Himself through him and I recieved love in the form of support, advice, tolerance, comfort, charity and friendship. I found someone who listened to me and to lend me a hand. Years have gone by, I have gone forward , and converted myself in a different person. I am trying to pay my debt of gratitude; I have become a tracer of needs and griefs. A gift within me has developed to allow me to detect as to whom I must help, even if my help is not asked with words or actions. Thank you Father, thank you brother, there goes another one following the chain of love that You have shown me. In that way, each of us placing our grain of sand, doing all the good that we can, with our best effort, and in spite of our constant errors, we can continue with our work until we reach some day that Divine teaching to love one another. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  Ed's Note: Beloved: May in these days of love and friendship, our hearts and spirits spill out in any of their multiple manifestations: Fatherly love, maritallove, fraternal love, solidary love... because as the song goes: " All the world needs love..... love....., sweet love." Your Brother in the Lord The Little Worker Please, feel free to copy and share this with others.