____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  *** The Little Worker's Newsletter *** ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  Published by CDTTT-The Committee for the Difussion of The Third Testament January 2001 _________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS: - First Word - The Gifts Within Part II - A Little To-Do List - Final Word ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - First Word In this issue, we continue the analysis of the spiritual gifts in all of us. In December's issue we covered some of the basic aspects of this topic. If in need to refresh your memory, don't hesitate to read it in http://144000.net/newsletter/dec2000.txt and it may be not such a bad idea to print it and while you are at it, share this with a friend...or with lots of them. In this issue we will discuss about the divine teachings regarding the gift of healing. So, here we go again. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -The Gifts Within Part II Th Gift of Healing "Heal all the sicknesses of the body as well as the spirit, because you have the mission to console, to fortify, and to heal your fellowmen. "But I ask you: What healing could you transmit to the needy, if you were sick? What peace would you emanate from your spirit, if he is disturbed by worries, suffering, remorse, and low passions? "You can only offer your brethren what you treasure in your heart. "You must now store as much as you can of the good things that I have been imparting among these people, and learn to preserve them through adversities and setbacks, so that when the time comes to fulfill your mission, you may come out victorious in the struggle. The peace, the light, and the balsam, will form one single part with your whole being, in such a way, that not only by anointing a sick person will you heal him, but with your word, your thought, and with your eyes, you shall transmit health, peace, and fortitude, and in many cases, your presence alone will emanate those virtues." (The Book of The True Life-The Third Testament) Healing is, probably, the most spectacular of all spiritual gifts, and I mean it in the sense of that's exactly what healing the sick is all about for many persons. Many persons that believe to be good Christians themselves, when asked why do they believe in Christ, most of them answer: "Because He healed so many, and He even resucitated Lazarus from the dead!" But, have they stopped to consider where did, in reality, that wonderful power come from? "From God!" I hear them exclaiming right now, and of course, they are partially right...partially. Because the part they probably are not are aware of, is that we all have this power within us. In His very first teaching of The Book of The True Life, our Lord gives us all the clues we need to start to comprehend the profound impact that our gifts represent for us and for all. "45. I taught you to heal. Jesus was the healing balsam; He was Health itself; His word healed anyone who heard it. His hand gave health to whomever He touched, His gaze brought infinite hope to anyone who received it; even His tunic when touched with faith by those who approached Him burdened with bitterness and afflictions, restored their peace; and even His blood, falling upon the face of the Centurion, restored his lost eyesight. "46. Those miracles, only love and charity, which are born of that love, can be realized. With them you can heal." (The Book of The True Life-The Third Testament) "With them you can heal"... Wow! So we have that power after all! And of course! If God is love, if we have love and charity for the sick and the needy, then God IS in us and in every thing that we do...including giving them health and restoring their well-being. And, what else is there to allow us to perform such wonders? "But do not believe that just by knowing that I have granted you these gifts will be enough; no, besides, you should know, that you need the power to manifest them, and it is indispensable to conquer it with your faith in Me, with charity towards your fellowmen, with limpid sentiments, and unselfishness. "He who does not work within these principles, even though gifted by Me, nothing good will he deliver, because those gifts only flourish and are lavished through noble, pure, and elevated sentiments." (The Book of The True Life-The Third Testament) Aha! So, in order to heal someone, we need to manifest in our lives the most noble, pure and elevated sentiments...Great! But, uh...which and where are these elevated sentiments? "Prepare your heart and ennoble your sentiments, for you do not know the hour or the day when My word will be fulfilled. Develop your gift of healing with which I have spiritually enriched you, since many travelers, and others burdened with weariness, will be arriving in poor health. Known and unknown illnesses will afflict them. But I will give you only one balsam for all the ailments, be it either for the spirit or the physical body. That balsam, in order for it to work miracles, will need true charity, whose basis is the prayer. "The true balsam, people, the one that heals all maladies, pours from love. "Love with the spirit; love with the heart and with the mind, and you will have sufficient power to heal not only the sicknesses of the body or to comfort the small human miseries, but you will know how to resolve the spiritual mysteries, the great anguish of the spirit, his confusion, and remorse." (The Book of The True Life-The Third Testament) Bingo! We have now started to break the code of true healing, not only of the illness of the body, but also, of the mind and heart as well. Hmm, not bad, not bad at all. So, let's go thru it again: In order to perform wonderful healings, we need to have noble sentiments and the power to put them to work, and that power is love. But, wait...just the other night, while swapping channels with my TV remote, I suddenly crashed in one of these channels in cable that made me think that I was watching "Leap of Faith", that Steve Martin's movie about wonder healers and all the flying circus that they need to impress the audiences. And oh, boy, I came to realize that I was watching one guy from, well, somewhere in Texas, vest with a shiny robe and touching people in their forehead, pushing them as if he was some Greenbay Packer lineman. And everybody was shouting and yelling "Allelujahs" all over, while the preacher apparently performed "miracles-to-go" faster than a Mac guy takes your burger order. How come? Do they really heal and make of kind of miracle works? And what about those shamans all over the world that attract more tourists than the Taj Mahal? Are all these just manifestations of the spiritual gifts or is there something else? I do not want to sound judging -Ok, maybe a little- but they seem to do it for love...for love of money, that is. What's going on here? Let's see. "Of course, in spite of their lack of preparation, there are many who are leaving traces of miracles along their way, but they are not the ones who are giving. It is I who has mercy of the needy, of the sick, of the poor in spirit, and of the men of good faith; and then, those workers attribute My miracles to themselves. "There are other cases in which the one who is going to deliver what I have entrusted to him, is unable yet, because he ignores the manner of getting prepared, but his faith is great and he feels charity towards his fellowman. To the latter, I grant him to perform miracles to stimulate him at his work, so that he perseveres and perfects himself." (The Book of The True Life-The Third Testament) Ok, ok...Now I understand. Seeing someone over TV healing not necessarily means that he or she is prepared and motivated by love or charity. It only means that God is above that person's faults so the needy won't lack of whatever the Divine Providence has for them. Oh, I know that probably many of you are wondering: Why doesn't the Father deprive those bad workers of the very instruments they use to obtain money or celebrity? "To say that I deprive of his gifts, the one who does not use them well, is a mistake, but the one who does not apply them for the purpose I have outlined, instantly looses the power to manifest them. "How could I deprive man of his spiritual gifts, when these are the means to attain his salvation and his only weapons to defend himself?" (The Book of The True Life-The Third Testament) Of course! It doesn't matter that they present themselves as apostles or saviors, they still are children of God and need, as we all mere mortals do, of all the weapons necessary for their spiritual evolution. But, where are the true followers, those spirits prepared to perform all these wonders in a righteous manner? "I have prepared you to be shepherds of those strayed sheep and for you to draw them to Me, to clean their spirit, heal their body, and prepare their path, inspiring in them love and rectitude in order to begin a new life. "My light has appeared on this Earth, and it extends everywhere, congregating around Me, children of all races and beliefs. You, who now hear My word, have recovered your gifts; you have been healed, and are filled with strength. When mankind learns about these happenings, they will call you the privileged ones. They will ask you to give them a bit of this truth that I have revealed to you, and they will anxiously hear your words. There are many who, instead of already reading this book, have delayed their arrival and will come when My word has ceased; however, by then, you will be prepared and will teach them with love, just as I have taught you," (The Book of The True Life-The Third Testament) So, my dear friend, perhaps your are one of those already designated by our beloved Father to spread health and peace in bodies and minds of mankind. If you come to see that the simple fact that you are reading these lines it is probably just the divine will touching your life and spirit making a call that you feel deep inside of you, then you are are a part of what He calls His legions of light, one of the 144000. "Be My legions of light, be My armies of peace, be the ones who pray for the world, and truly I say to you, that the tears from your eyes that you shed for the pain of others, will unite with the balsam of your Father, to fall as drops of dew upon tribulated hearts. "Do not fear the darkness in which your brethren live, nor the leprosy, nor the sword of their tongue. They will approach you, some of them stubborn, and others understanding; you will teach everyone with charity. I have spoken to you with love, and My words have been a caress and a consolation for all My children. I have presented Myself before great multitudes, without looking to see that some believe and others deny My word. I have come to cultivate the human heart without any distinction. This watering of My love will fertilize it, and in a short time, the life of man will be transformed." (to be continued....) ____________________________________________________________ HIGHLIGHTS: The spiritual gift of healing emanates from the power of love. We have to ennoble our sentiments in order to attain that power. Many can perform wonderful healing not because they are prepared but because God's charity for the needy. Our Heavenly Father has come to prepare His children to be part ot His legions of light. Are you one of them?  ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - A Little To-Do List We are back to the New Year's Season. During this period everyone prepares the list of resolution for the new year. This year what would your resolutions be? Everyone creates its own world, shapes its own future, sets its own goals. It might be a good idea to make a resolution on a daily basis instead of a yearly basis. In this way every day a little thing is achieved or a small step is given forward. And step by step, even if they are small, they are heading towards perfection. There are many things we can change and do better. I strongly suggest to set achievable goals even if they seem insignificant. Evolve a bit at the time, walk slowly but steadily. On the long run they will add up and you will see how far you have gone in your evolution. Here is a little things-to-do list: Always respect the natural order of your journey and remember that real hell is your life going wrong. Do not be so self-absorbed, care about others. Try to create a world of harmony around you. Try to develop your gifts, the spiritual ones and the more earthly too (we cover this in other article of this issue). Try being a little more tolerant everyday. Try being more understanding everyday. Try being more generous everyday. Try listening to people when they need to be heard. These are only some ideas that might be added to your list of resolutions. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -Final Word Beloved: The current subtopic -the spiritual gift of healing- is so vast, that we are going to need another issue of our newsletter to at least overview the main thing related to it. But I sincerely believe as many of you will agree, it is one very important line of work we have to dedicate a good effort so we can understand and learn all that which our Father entrusted us in His divine wisdom. 2001, as in Arthur C. Clark's masterpiece, it's finally here. And the milestone that we were inherited with is The Third Testament, which in fact is, by itself, the compilation and explanation of the two previous ones, extended with new revelations and teachings that will lead us to the rise of a new human being and ultimately, to perfection. Your Brother in the Lord The Little Worker ********** PAST ISSUES AT http://144000.net/newsletter/ **********