____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  *** The Little Worker *** ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  Published by CDTTT-The Committee for the Difussion of The Third Testament January 1999 _________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS: - First Word - Euthanasia: The Dilemma - Modern Prophets and The Prophecies. - Good Deeds. - Final Word ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - First Word It seems, as we grow older, that time stretches and days and weeks that, well, took days and weeks to pass, now are flashing right before our eyes... And at the beginning of a new year, this simple fact of life becomes more evident. "Oh, my, a whole year has passed again? It seems as only yesterday we were celebrating the arrival of 1998" Time is also a creature of the Lord, it was creaated as we were. Many see time as one with the Father, but just think: Before anything was created, did time exist? Measuring what? And we know understand, with the advance of knowledge in many fields that time and space are a continuum, they are the same. Even Einstein was amazed by the concept of time as a creature. He asked: OK, we know about moment zero, but what about a second before? Was there a second before or everything started with that very first moment of time? ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - Euthanasia: The Dilemma. Euthanasia means, in Greek, "good death" and by extension, we understand it as a soft, painless death. And there is the general acceptance in the media that it actually means shortening the life of the incurable and hopeless sick and many see it parallel to suicide. There has always been an irrational fear of death in the human being. Even persons that always had stood against the concept of euhanasia, in the moment they watch their beloved suffer with what seems endless pain, they hesitate and have second thoughts and deep in the back of their mind they expect death as a relief, and try to do their best to diminish or vanish the pain from their friend or relative, thus, creating a moral dilemma for them. And in the other side there are persons such as Dr. Jack Kavorkian, who among strong controversy and criminal indictments because of his theory of helping others in pain to take their life, believe in granting the terminal ill the right to end with dignity and decorum. And to makes things even more complicated, the same society that attacks Dr. Kevorkian's notions, approves and sees as generosity helping sick animals or pets to die peacfeully in order to avoid them more pointless suffering. And the question that immediately arises is: Do animals deserve more consideration than human beings? Many believe that animals have souls and there are some that believe that the law of reincarnation applies the same to animals as well to humans. So, where is the difference then? Let's see what does our Lord tells us in His Third Testament: "Do not try to reject death when, according to My will, it approaches you; neither seek the man of science to perform the miracle of opposing My plans by prolonging your existence, for you will both weep bitterly over this fault. Prepare yourselves during this life, and you will have no reason to fear your entry into the hereafter." Book of The True Life 52:57 If we believe in that all things obey a divine plan, then our moment of birth and our moment of departing this life are perfectly and wisely determined by the wisdom of God. Following this spiritual concept, it is as wrong to seek to prolongate a life beyond the term designated by the Father as it is to cut ir short as suicides do. All in due time. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - Modern Prophets and The Prophecies In this season, when a new year begins, is customary for magazines and newspapers to publicize a set of predictions on the events to come as foreseen for a plethora of modern "prophets" and psychics. And so they go along, prophesysing their way into the mass media frenzy normally associated with this time of year: How many world leaders will fall, the short future outcome for the rich and famous, natural disasters and so forth. And of course, when you look at last year's "prophecies" you realize that, in fact, a good deal of the foresights of these modern nostradamuses is, well, mumbo jumbo. But what about the real prophecies? Are there real prophets now? Yes, they are. We are preparing a new page of prophecies delivered since 1866 up to this very day, many of which had a proven fulfillment, among them the invention of the computer, the cloning of cells, both World Wars, the nuclear age, the ecology related problems -all this well behind in time after its accomplishment- and more recently, the fall of the Soviet Empire, the unification of Europe in a single confederation, etc. etc. and etc. Joel, the prophet of Israel, anticipated this era, when many would have visions and dreams in which the future would devail for us things to come. You youserlf could have had this kind of perceptions in the past -some call it paranormal although they look very normal to me- and probably disregarded them just to later, when facts catch up, finally realize that there was something else than imagination or "crazy" thoughts. And as usual, there are the "old" prophecies which actually never seem to wear out or get outdated, simply because they project themselves above time and space. You can read some in-depth look about this exciting topic in our page for "The Fulfilled Prophecies" in http://144000.net/txt/prophec1.htm ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  Good Deeds If you take a given audience and ask anyone of them to raise their hand if they believe in that they are good persons, you will see that almost everyone raises her or his hand... Are we all really that good? And if that it's true, why then are injustice, poverty and human suffering so wide and extended? Are those acts of Nature? What probably is happening is that many mistake the lack of wrongdoing with goodness and pity with compassion. It is not enough not to make evil, we have the obligation to perform good deeds. "It does not suffice to not harm anybody. The right thing is not to do evil, but if you do good, with this you will be pleasing Me." says our Father in His teaching 318:47 (Third Testament-Book of The True Life). If you take a stone or a table, to cite a extreme example, you can see easily that they do not harm anybody. Does that make them righteous or kind? Just as the same, the mere absence of wrongdoing from our part does not create by itself good, because good is an active principle, not a passive one. So, we all need to do good deeds, at every opportunity that life poses to us. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -Final Word Dearly beloved: We sincerely wish the best for you and your loved ones not only in this season but in all seasons of life, and we humbly exhort you to joing us in our prayers for all the sad, the needy, the sick and the lonely and why not? also for all of those happy few that apparently have everything but love in their heart and warm in their life to share with others. Your Brother in the Lord The Little Worker http://144000.net/