____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  *** The Little Worker *** ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  Published by CDTTT-The Committee for the Difussion of The Third Testament July 2000 _________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS: - First Word - The Old Ones - A Song of Redemption - Last Word ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -First Word Not surprisingly enough, summer break is here. Yep, the youngsters gather and socialize with each other, although sometimes excesses are the key note in these gatherings. But, hey, who's there to cast the first stone if we all have passed through that wonderful stage of human development? But sometimes we forget completely of the old ones, the aged...so, in this issue, we will cover that important subject. May this little article that focuses on those sometimes forgotten by society and many times by their own next of kin, help to make us aware of the need they have for affection and attention. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -The Old Ones. In ancient cultures the old ones were regarded as wise, knowledgeable and honorable people. Their counsel was always sought after and they had lots of influence over the family and society itself. Under the tribal system the old ones had a special place. However, in modern cultures specially in more developed countries where family values have changed so much the old ones tend to be a burden for everyone. They are seen as useless and as if they no longer serve a purpose since they are physically weak. But this is not so, old people need care and understanding. They need our time and our devotion. They are tired, they have walked a long journey, their bodies are worn down but in their hearts a light shines and an abundance of knowledge exists. We have the responsibility to look after them as they once did when we were children. There is much to learn from them. We have to help them understand that true life awaits for them in the hereafter. As they are weary and ill they need hope and we are under the obligation to provide it. We have to be with them, talk to them, listen carefully to what they have to say. Love them dearly and make them feel how important they are and have been for us. Explain how God is near them acting as a doctor, pouring upon them all His love and protection. How His light is like pure water for their burning lips and rest assured that they will feel His healing balsam upon their bodies. Be a comforting light for them and help them understand that even if old age represents winter for their lives it should not be perceived as the conclusion of life and as the coldness of death. As after winter, spring will always arrive in the same way as the spirit will arrive to the spiritual valley in order to begin a new life. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -A Song of Redemption. Oh, what a beautiful concert, what a wonderful harmony emanates from the divine teachings! The sounds of the above are truly the most magnificent music human ears had ever listened to. Take for example the sound of these eloquent phrases: "Men live not of bread alone" "The truth shall set you free" "Love One Another" "God is love" "Let your faith speak, and heaven shall answer" Repeat them softly at morning break, repeat them softly while you are embarked in human enterprises, take a break in the merry-go-round of life and repeat them, and you will see that there is not sweeter music to our mind and spirit. Because these, my friends, are the notes and the sounds of the divine song of redemption. So, sing along... ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -Final Word In our next issue we will include a very interesting article regarding the interpretation of those numbers mentioned in Daniel's prophecy. My guess is that you will be amazed in how accurate that prophecy really was. May the Lord guide your steps as we move closer to the end of the Sixth Seal. Your Brother in the Lord The Little Worker http://144000.net/