____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  *** The Little Worker *** ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  Published by CDTTT-The Committee for the Difussion of The Third Testament June 2000 TABLE OF CONTENTS: - First Word - Us and the Hereafter - The Decline of Religions - Final Word - ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - First Word This summer seems to be headed to become a startling demonstration of how the prophecies close to the end of the Sixth Seal are coming to pass. Yes, as stated in many many teachings of the Third Testament, the elements of nature, as humble and obedient servants of the Divinity, were announced to raise their powerful voice in order to manifest their dissaproval of the irresponsible and disrespectful way mankind has behaved with this wonderful world that, as a loving mother, has given humanity haven and a warm bossom. Please, go to http://144000.net/elements.htm And as you start to read this page, please take note that the recent discovery of a new planet and an additional planetoid is the beginning of the fulfillment of the prophecies contained in paragraph 38 of Teaching 162. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - Us and the Hereafter When the time comes for the spirit to leave the earth and go to the hereafter it has to be prepared if not it can go through a difficult transition and get lost. We should depart silently and respectfuly. Our spirit should raise its eyes and seek for a bright light and follow it. The Lord in His immense love towards us permits some of the beings that had ties with us on earth and today inhabit the spiritual world to come and greet us so that our transition would be smoother. For those whose lives terminate with a violent death it can take a while before they can understand that it is time for them to go to the hereafter and will seek for help, they will seek for spiritual charity, comfort, love and understanding. Pray for them so they can find the path of light. For the spirit to evolve God has granted it with the gift of reincarnation, so that the spirit will never be limited in the smallness of the flesh, with its brief existence on earth and its natural weaknesses. Instead, having originated from a superior nature, the spirit can utilize as many material bodies as are necessary to fulfill its great missions on earth. It is necessary to have lived a human life in order to climb one step of the ladder that reaches God. Material life offers all of us the opportunity to achieve merits for our spirits; merits that will help our spirit elevate until it is worthy of inhabiting a mansion that is spiritually superior. The spirit will continue to ascend step by step because in the Father's house there are many mansions. The divine love has no limitations. The love and justice of God are manifested through the law of reincarnation. In order to go to Him we have to correct our faults. We have to attain enlightenment through evolution and experiences. We have to continue to elevate and perfect ourselves filled with confidence and hope in the justice of our Lord. For some of us our present existence will be our last reincarnation so it is time to prepare for our journey to the hereafter filling our granary with good seed so that we can faithfully respond when we are called to the spiritual realm. At times, one lifetime is sufficient only to plant a seed without the time to cultivate it much less to see it blossom. Many of us will have to return to earth, either to pursue the mission that we have failed to fulfill or to seek the opportunity to correct our mistakes from the past. We should not forget that we all are subject to the laws of evolution. Once the spirit attains the perfection that is necessary to feel himself in the glory of our Lord, he will carry the kingdom of heaven within and will know how to enjoy its grace in every mission the Father sends him to fulfill. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -The Decline of Religions From Teaching 309 35. A time of idolatry and fanaticism is coming among all nations of the Earth. The rituals and ceremonies will reach a major intensity and will be carried to the extreme. The ministers and priests of the different religions and sects will lead their people to the exaltation. I permit it so, because this will be like a storm among Mankind, and in that chaos, the spirits will feel like castaways; there will be no one who will feel they have reached a haven of salvation or a ship of salvation. 36. The moment will come when the confusion will reign among all the spirits and the latter cannot find in any place the refuge of peace. It will be then when men will seek the most illustrious minds of the most eminent ministers for their greater intelligence, whom are considered as saints by humanity, and their amazement will be very great when they become aware that they too are castaways who are going along without a compass, without peace, and without light. Then the darkness will come, but in the midst of that chaos the spirits will rise searching for their salvation and far beyond the dense large clouds, they will contemplate the light like a new life, like a new dawn, and that light will be of the Holy Spirit, and will be the guiding light that will illuminate all the universe, waiting for the return of the sons, illuminating the turbulent oceans. 37. After that period of trials, the freedom of the spirit for Mankind will come. Disillusioned, the feet of men will trample on their idols of yesterday; they will destroy their vain houses of worship, pomp, and false splendor. The authors of doctrinal books will carry their own works to the fire. From Teaching 303 71. Observe how the spirit of all Humanity has awakened. See how all their congregations are touched. Observe in each religion, in each sect, a kingdom, a dominion, and all those kingdoms will rise calling each other for unification, and because not one will be disposed to humble itself and come forward on the calling of the others, the conflict will come. 72. The words of love will disappear to give way to the anathemas, the threats, the condemnations, and the excommunications. All this you will have to contemplate, oh Israel. 73. The tongues will loosen, the human passions will become unleashed, everyone will use My name, My word, and My laws to cause a war against one another, to combat each other, to exterminate and humble one another. 74. Be on the alert, people of Israel! Because Humanity will rise against their own idols, their fanaticism and their traditions, and a movement will begin among religions toward the beginning of spirituality. 75. Let the Jewish people return to their ancient Palestine. I permit it thus. Let them search there for their ancient traditions in those places they consider sacred. Let them raise again the temple of Solomon. I have prepared proof for their disappointment and everything responds, everything collaborates with My divine plans. 76. And when the great trials are upon them, then they will clamor for the coming of the Messiah and their voices will shake the ceiling of their temple, but the Messiah will not come among them. 77. They will go to the mountains and hills of Palestine; they will search the lands that belonged to the tribes of Jacob, of Judea and Samaria and in no place will they find the Messiah nor any trace of his coming and they will become distressed, deprived of their worldly goods, and in their desperation they will invoke Jehova and then Jehova, where the Messiah and the Holy Spirit is found, will talk to them with clarity, through great events. 78. Then the Jewish people will awaken, they will rest from their long journey and will unify with Humanity with spiritual fraternity. 79. Let within Christianity, divided into different branches since the beginning, rise against one another. 80. Let some of them place their eyes on Rome, that the great caravans leave their traces along the way and cross the oceans. Let them arrive barefoot before the church of Peter and My divine silence shall speak greatly to those spirits, as they will only find gold, pomp, human finery, rituals, liturgies, and feasts, but they will see everything small and fleeting. 81. And those symbols which seemed so great to men before, will be seen as poor figures which have neither My truth nor My presence. And in their loneliness of that silence, they will return. 82. And then, when the spiritual misery is upon them, I shall descend as the Holy Spirit, as the Comforter to say to you: Here I am. Here is the Messiah, the One who promised you that he would return on the cloud, surrounded by angels and from that cloud infinite rays of light will descend upon men. All excerpts taken from The Book of The True Life (The Third Testament) ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - Final Word Please, don't hesitate in sending us some feedback about topics that you would like to be covered in this humble newsletter...May the peace of our Lord be with you. Your Brother in the Lord The Little Worker http://144000.net/