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But, do we really understand what freedom is, mainly when seen from an spiritual point of view? I invite you take a quick look on the concepts that emanate from such a simple word, under the light of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit in this Third Era. ____________________________________________________________ «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥« ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - Free Will: To Decide and To Do Free will (also known as freedom of choice), consists basically of two things, not just one as many times it is wrongfully interpreted. And those two things are: The faculty to decide and the faculty to do, which many times look alike but are not the same thing. If we carefully analyze this simple distinction, we will see how everything turns clear. The human being usually calls free will something that he or she decides which, many times, just can't be executed. Well, if it not could be accomplished, where then would be that free will? Freedom of choice is simply that, the freedom to choose whatever we desire or want but not necessarily means that we could perform or execute that which we have chosen. If we decide or choose something impossible to us, how then can we exercise or execute that free will? The very same thing happens with the spiritual gifts, and it is because of this that many of us cannot manifest the spiritual gifts that exist within us: We need the power, the faculty to carry out into a complete effect that which we want to perform. From where does that power flow? From the united power of the faculty to decide and the faculty to do. In other words, from our will, from our liberty, from the exercise of our true volition. Thus we see, for example, the case of a person when he or she or has decided to commit suicide, since passing that moment that person only has the faculty to do, because the faculty to decide has been cancelled or deprived from that person by the confusion or perturbation caused by a intense, unbearable suffering. In other ocassions, as it happens in the case of the vices, the faculty to do seems to be gone, vanished, and it only remains at hand the faculty to decide, the faculty to choose, although crippled by the lack of the faculty to fulfill or accomplish the decision. It is only when we are in the presence of both things, of both elements, when we are before a free will. ____________________________________________________________ «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥« ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - Free Will, An Unlimited Resource? It seems that many suppose or assume that their free will practically has no limits at all; they seem to consider their free will as an unlimited resource. But, is it? No, it is not. To illustrate this, let's suppose that someone, in full use of his free will, decides to climb the top of the Empire Strate Building in New York and once there, throw himself into the vacuum. Certainly, at that initial moment, and being that man in charge of both elements of his free will, the faculty to decide and the faculty to do, the actor of our parable not only decides to throw himself into the vaccum: He actually does it. And suppose that once having made this, while falling and passing through floors 140, 139, 138 and so forth, our poor friend suddenly changes his mind and also in use of his free will, decides that after all he doesn't want to end at the street's pavement. Could then his free will, just as it did before when it had the power to throw him into the vacuum, has now the power to reverse it? Nope. Because regardless of his faculty to decide, it is not enought to reverse it since at that moment his free will lacks the faculty to do: Therefore his free will it is not as free after all. Remember: Faculty to decide, faculty to do constitute, together, the free will. When one of them is missing, wheter is one or the other, we can say that the free will is disabled as such, it doesn't work. ____________________________________________________________ «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥« ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - True Freedom. "Man, on Earth, is a prince to whom My love and My justice gave that title, and the order that he received since the beginning was to be sovereign on Earth. "Upon the Divine gift of his freedom of will, I placed a guiding light that would illuminate the path of his existence: the conscience. "Freedom to act and the light of the conscience to distinguish Good from evil, are two of the greatest gifts with which My love as a Father, endowed your spirit. They are in the spirit of man before he is born and after he dies. The conscience guides him, and it does not separate from him during desperation, or in the loss of reasoning, or during agony, because it is intimately bound to the spirit." The Third Testament Nowadays it is very common to hear many people refer to freedom of choice or free will. as if they were synonims of freedom or liberty. But, if we reflect upon it a little bit, we might reach the comprehension that, if fact, they are quite different things. For starters, free choice or free will are not subjected neither to the conscience nor the Divine Law in the first place, and therefore, it can be used irresponsibly, at the point to make it become libertinage. Thus we see how free will is misused and overused in all orders of human life, wheter in its spiritual and moral aspects or in its material ones. The free will, just as the will, could be used in both ways, either in evil or in good. Freedom or liberty, in the other hand (true freedom that is), is closely related with the conscience and with the Divine Law, since all true liberty emerges from the truth. "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Jn 8:32 To better illustrate this, let's take a very common and extended vice: Cigarrette smoking. Those who have acquired this popular vice, will normally say that they smoke because they decided so, in full use of their "freedom". That alleged freedom (which is nothing else that their free will, pure and raw), makes them fall in slavery, even them knowing very well that smoking is very damaging to their health and that sooner or later will carry them fatal consequences. How great should their effort be in order to free them from that obstinate vice! They are slaves, they are far from be free. And there you have the great paradox of all: In use of an apparent freedom, they have ended losing their true freedom, falling in a libertinage that harms them, going as far to deprive them from their health and life. How different it is, rather, when the human being uses in a conscient and responsible way, his faculties to decide and to do! "The true spirituality is freedom of your spirit along his pathway and for your flesh along its travel; that your body does not invade the inroads of the spirit nor that your spirit converts himself to materialism. "Submit your free will to My Law and to your conscience, and you will not feel slaves, but truly free." The Third Testament ____________________________________________________________ «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥« ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - Final Word Dearly beloved: Let us continue, as the people of Israel in the First Era, our journey to the Promised Land of the spirit, where true freedom can be found, because, how many of us that, while believing to have freedom, are actually prisoners of our own passions! "Those who have devoted themselves entirely to materialism, without worrying about the voice of their conscience anymore, detaching themselves from everything that refers to their spirit, they no longer fight, for they have been defeated in combat. They believe that they have triumphed, they believe that they are free, and they do not realize that they are prisoners and that it will be necessary for the legions of light to come to that darkness, so that they may be set free." The Third Testament May the peace of the Lord be with all of us. Your brother in the Lord The Little Worker ************************************************************* Visit our forum at http://www.144000.net/lighthouse/ ************************************************************* Join as an spiritual volunteer to the Spiritual Corps of Workers http://www.144000.net/cuerpo/ ************************************************************* PASS THE WORD: If you find this humble newsletter interesting enough, feel free to copy it and send it to your friends, family and colleagues... and why not? 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