____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  *** The Little Worker's Newsletter *** Issue of June 2006 Published by CDTTT - The Committee for the Difussion of The Third Testament _________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS: - First Word - The Perfection of the Body - The Responsibility of the Spirit - The Harmony Between Spirit and Body - The Body, a Leaning Staff for the Spirit - Final Word ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - First Word In this month's issue, we will overview the alleged antagonism and rivalry between spirit and body, and we will analise the different divine teachings that explain, in a crystal clear fashion, this important topic. In many people still remains the idea that spirit and body, somehow, are antagonists by nature, and this incorrect notion comes from far back in time. As you probably know, in the ancient world there were a lot of primitive beliefs and myths which, while trying to explain the existence of all things, only created confusion in mankind. Among these beliefs was, for example, one set of ideas which attributed to the human body, the flesh, all the evil tendencies and wrongdoings that are the byproduct of the presence of the human race in the world. This erroneous vision still continues up to this very day, passing through the gnostic creed which, emerging in early Christianity, affirmed that God was actually not one but two opossing gods: One of them, benevolent and loving who created the spirit and all things that are good, and the other, evil and vindictive, who created pain, suffering and the world as well as the flesh as a prison for the spirit. This concept is so alive that, just to mention an example, in the famous Star Wars movie saga, the plot revolves around the struggle within a Force divided in itself; in one side, the good side of the Force and in the other side, the dark side of the same Force; again, this idea is not new, it is in fact very old, and Zarathushtra or Zoroaster had too this notion in his mind where two gods with opossing forces, were involved in a cosmic struggle between them: Ormuz or Ahura Mazda, the creator and bringer of the truth and Ahriman or Angra Mainy, the spirit of evil, represented by the serpent. These beliefs resurged in the 1st century of the Christian Era, with Marcion, who stated that there are two gods: The inferior one or Demiurg, creator of the visible world, who grew very jealous of man which he himself created and ended casting man away from Paradise, thus beginning with the history of human sin and misery which seem to fill most of the narrations of the Old Testament. And in the other hand, there is the good God, who is the one that saves and redeems. Marcion was profoundly anti-Jew and in his opinion, the Old Testament pertains only to the evil god and reversely, the New Testament refers to the good God. Obviously, Marcion totally neglected the fact that Jesus, Mary His mother and all of Jesus' disciples, were Jews! and that Jesus not only obeyed the same Law that Moses and the prophets of Israel followed, but also taught that He had come not to change that same Law, but rather to fulfill it even in its smallest detail. Later, in the third century, Manes, a Persian mystic as Zoroaster and originally a Christian, extended this concept of dualism even further, preaching the existence of two gods with equal power, both sharing the eternity, the first god a good one (the god of light, creator of the spiritual realm), and the other one an evil god, who created the darkness, the material world and the body. Those who followed this idea, believed that there always have existed those two principles, good and evil, which rules the universe, always in a constant struggle and fierce opposition. Naturally, for Manes, the idea of the inherent evilness of the body was the founding groundwork for his beliefs, which up to this day, seems to keep on gathering followers from today's Christianity as well from many other religions and creeds. From that starting point, it was not difficult to extent the reaching of these false beliefs far beyond this simple original notion, until leading many people to believe and to be convinced, even within the great religions, that everything in Creation follows the principle of dualism: Heat and cold, light and darkness, happiness and pain, health and sickness, etc. This have reached such degree that many cannot even imagine a world where evil has never existed, just as they cannot conceive a world without money or private property. It is indisputable that in our world, at this point in human history, everything seems to adhere to that rule; but the question here would be: Is this a local and temporary phenomena, proper of our human province, or is it a principle that rules all possible universes, an essential law of creation, a pre-established order just as mathematics and causality are? By the time being, in this issue we will commence to review which is the true nature of the body, taking it as a divine creation. In future issues, we will see if, in effect, all possible worlds and universes, are ruled by the principle of duality. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - The Perfection of the Body perfection: noun =The state of being complete and correct in every way. The Cambridge Dictionary Perfection of the body? It almost sounds as heresy! Perhaps, but if we take the time and effort to carefully analyse the teachings of our Father in this Third Era, we soon will find out that, far from being a prison for our spirit, our body is a wonderful tool for our spiritual growth. "My Spirit, who is Universal, exists in everything created by Me, be it spiritually or in the material nature; everything is within My works, giving testimony of My perfection in each one of its planes." "My Divine Work encompasses everything, from the greater and perfect beings who dwell at my right hand, to the less perceptible little animal, vegetable or mineral, to the atom or cell that form all material creatures, and in this I show you, once again, the perfection within all things created, from the material beings to the spirits that have reached their perfection. That is my Work!" "Perfect are both the spiritual and the material. Thus you can see, even in the atom and the cell, the manifestation of the divine omnipotence, and if you study the spirit, you will discover in him his simple nature, as an atom of a superior life. Then you will be aware that nothing that exists could be unbound from the divine." "The human body is an apparatus endowed with such perfection that man would never be able to give to his most complicated and greater scientific works. Pay close attention to my words, for I speak about the body of man, not about his spirit, since the spirit, even though unable to equal the power of his Father, is capable of greater works that those that his limited human body can achieve." "Analyse all that I show to you. See how men of science, scrutinising the human body, have marveled with its perfection; and if that body, which is a fleeting being in this life, holds within that wonderful perfection, could you imagine the greatness of the spirit, whose nature is immortal?" The Third Testament And yep, when we reflect upon all of this, it is evident that God is God of everything, both of the spiritual and the material, and our body is part of the material creation; therefore, it is a divine creation. How can we refute this? How can we place such a burden, that responsibility in flesh, when it corresponds only to the spirit? ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - The Responsibility of the Spirit Sin was not born in the world, sin is not the consequence of the flaws of the matter, but rather it is the outcome of the abuse of our freedom of choice... mainly the bad choices we have made and keep on doing. Who then, is the one that sins? The spirit or the body? And which of them was the one granted with the freedom of choice? Was it the spirit or the flesh? However, how many accuse the flesh, blaming it for our faults and trip ups as spirits before the Law! "How great is the responsibility of the spirit before God! The flesh is not bound by that responsibility. Note that as death comes, it remains forever in the earth. When will you earn merits for your spirit to be worthy to inhabit more perfect mansions than this one in which you live?" The Third Testament That wrongful belief of taking the flesh as the sinner, is the cause which makes many disdain and disrespect it, believing falsely that with it, they will give limpidity to their spirit, depriving themselves in this way to the ocassion, the opportunity to enter in harmony with it. Oh, what a terrible mistake! "You now know that the true spirituality in man does not consist of withdrawing from the flesh, or rejecting the material, but rather, harmonizing your life with all of creation." "However, in order for the spirit to obtain that harmony, it is necessary for him to always keep ahead, to stay above of what is human, to be the guide; if this is not done, the spirit cannot be free, and he becomes whether the slave of the flesh, or its enemy." "Do not seek to live in Earth as if you were in spirit, for you shall fall in fanaticism, which is false spirituality; by doing thus, your body will sicken and go to the grave before its time, without finishing your mission." The Third Testament The diaphanous clarity of the divine word delivered in this era is so great, that we can now disctinctly understand that it is not the Father the one that sets up traps or ambushes to make us fall. Certainly, the matter was not created with the purpose of making us fall, nor the body was given to us to lose our spirituality, it is quite the opposite. All the universe and the material life as a whole have one mission only: To serve us as a support and a lesson and to help us in our evolution. "Do not believe matter to be more powerful than the spirit and to be the cause of his descent to materialization. No, the spirit is incomparably stronger and he will never cease to be that way, but if he have fallen, it was voluntarily, seduced by the attractive of a world which, yet fugaciously, offers him through the senses of the flesh, a life fecund in pleasures and temptations." The Third Testament And indeed, we do find in the fecund human life many trees and many fruits; and among them there are material delights and pleasures, which are licit because they procede from that symbolic trees that our Father placed in the world in order to make our journey more bearable. "I say to you that where you saw temptations, there were only fruits that you should had taken with knowledge and respect. Can you conceive that your Father would created something with the sole purpose to tempt you to fall into sin?" The Third Testament But even knowing that all the fruits that are found in the world serve an elevated purpose and they are good because they come from the Father, we must be careful not to fall in excess; we must exercise prudence so we can know which fruit is convenient to the spirit and put aside those which are not yet fit for us to taste or that may carry possibility of damage. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - The Harmony Between Spirit and Body "Your spirit is after the likeness of that of the Father, and your body after the likeness of the Universe." The Third Testament Oh, what a profoundness we find in this simple phrase, my brothers! I humbly ask you not to turn the page over until we have meditated deeply over the meaning of these words. We then will get to understand that one is the perfection of the Father, and other, the perfection of the son. And thus, one is the perfection of the spirit and other the perfection of the body. To better illustrate this, allow me to use this little analogy: How can we infer, for example, the perfection of a lemon if we compare it with a fig? By using the fig as a reference point, could we then have a just and convenient indication of what the perfection of the lemon is? So, to be able to judge the perfection of the lemon, we must compare it not with a fig, or an apple but instead, with another lemon. If we don't, any conclusion will be doubftul, to say the least, if not totally wrong. Thus, we should not try to compare the perfection of the body with the perfection of the spirit, nor we should try to compare or equate the perfection which is proper of our spirit with the perfection of God. "Do not judge the perfection of your body according to its dimensions, but rather for the marvelous life that exists in it, in its order and its harmony. Yet, even in all its perfection, the body is limited, and the moment comes in which it cease to grow; then the intelligence and the feelings keep on developing, until death stops it, but all the wisdom and experience it acquired in Earth, remains impressed in the spirit, which continues growing and developing for all eternity". The Third Testament We get to understand then, that the body is actually a wonderful gift that the Father entrusted to the spirit, so through it the former acquires experience, which could be useful in order to progress in the way of his perfectionment. Yes, my beloved; we must take the body as the skillful interpreter which transmits the spirit all those lessons that human life encompasses, manifesting them through sensibilities and sensations that not by being material, lack an enormous value to the spirit so that he learns in this Earth, all those things that he missed before, due to the wrongful use of his freedom of choice, while in the spiritual regions. "The human body was entrusted to the spirit so he could find in it the most efficient and perfect means to reach his full development, a body endowed with a brain so the spirit could manifest through it his intelligence, also possesing sensitive fibers in order to perceive all sensations." "A heart was placed also into the body, so that the love and all the good feelings deriving from it could have a human interpreter; but all such creation bestowed so gracefully from the Father as a supporting staff to the incarnating spirit, I wanted it to be weak enough so the struggling spirit within never trust on such leanness of the matter. "The spirit struggles to obtain his elevation and progress, while the matter surrenders, at every step, to the attractions of the world; but spirit and matter can harmonize, taking both of them what licitly corresponds to each, that is what my Doctrine teaches." "I am referring to that harmony with the spiritual that you have not reached as yet. A body has been entrusted to each spirit, as the means to manifest himself in the material world. In that body, which is a masterpiece of my wisdom, there is a brain where intelligence reveals, and a heart through which virtues and noble feelings overflow." "Disciples: Even though you live in the world, you can live a spiritual life, because you should not believe that spirituality consists of turning away from what corresponds to the matter, but rather in harmonising the human laws with the Divine Laws." The Third Testament ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - The Body, a Leaning Staff for the Spirit "The body is the means of support on which the spirit rests while it inhabits the Earth. Why allow it to turn into a chain that restrains, or a cell that imprisons? Why allow it to be the helm of your life? Is it just for a blind man to guide one who has good eyesight?" The Third Testament The simplicity of the divine explanations makes us understand, in this Third Era, things that the theologians of yesterday didn't get to comprehend. Thus we see that the body, far from being a trap or a prison to our spirit, is a support, not meaning with this that we should fall in the other extreme, which is to live only to render worship to it and to its ephimeral pleasures. From there, we can understand the importance of armonising spirit and body, being careful to avoid falling in the mistake of obsessing ourselves, whether with the spirit or the matter; in the first case, it would be mysticism and in the second, materialism, both wrong and harmful. "To the humans listening to me, I say that as long as they possess that body that acompannies them through their terrestrial transit, they must take care of it and preserve it until the last instant, since it is the staff over which the spirit rests himself as well as it is the tool for the struggle; through its material eyes the spirit sees this life and through its mouth he speaks and he is able to comfort his brothers". "The spirit receives from the matter the impressions that it gathers in life; the wider its sensitivity gets to be, the bigger the harvest for the spirit. The body is nothing else than the tool, the interpreter, the staff and the crucible." "It is only natural that its materiality hinders the spirit the knowledge of self, thus impeding him to manifest his spiritual gifts through his human part, because, although the material nature seems to be the most opossed to the spiritual nature, however, when you get to harmonize both of them, you will get to see that your material nature is as a limpid mirror which reflects in all its beauty the spiritual and even the divine." The Third Testament ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - Final Word Beloved: The divine teachings are of such a greatness, my dear brothers! The light in the divine teaching breaks down all false interpretations of ancient times, interpretations that took away man from the truth. And we understand today that to antagonise spirituality with science, is just as deceiving as to make the body and the spirit enemies. Our common task is to love and harmonise with all things created; we now see this with clarity. Let's then comply with our task, my beloved. May the peace of my Father be with all my brothers Your brother in the Lord The Little Worker ************************************************************* Join as an spiritual volunteer to the Spiritual Corps of Workers http://www.144000.net/cuerpo/ ************************************************************* PASS THE WORD: If you find this humble newsletter interesting enough, feel free to copy it and send it to your friends, family and colleagues... and why not? 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