____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  *** The Little Worker *** ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  Published by CDTTT-The Committee for the Difussion of The Third Testament Issue of March 2003 _________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS: - First Word - The Spirit ...(part two) - A Little Prayer - Last Word ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - First Word Dearly beloved: in this issue we continue with the overlook of a very important topic: Our spirit. Perhaps you will like to post your comments in our forum at http://144000.net/lighthouse/ not only regarding this topic but over any spiritual topic you want to talk about with other followers of the Third Testament. The forum is just initiating and we need your analysis and points of view. I hope you find this issue interesting enough to recommend it to your friends. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - The Spirit (part two) In our past issue, we left our few readers with a simple, although profound, question: What exactly is our spirit? Distancing from the materialistic notions that consider the spirit as something almost physical, it would be a good idea to start with this outstanding phrase: "Each spirit emerged from the Divinity as a pure thought. That is why the spirits are the perfect work of the Creator." When medidated upon, these few words, taken from one of the teachings of The Third Testament, shed more light than all prior attempts to explain what the spirit really is. Just think about this: Before there even existed material time or space there was God... and God is spirit. He didn't start to be an spirit AFTER the Creation (He was the One that created it, remember?), He always has been, and always will be, a spirit. So, to equate God with an energy is somewhat absurd, since energy is a creation, it was created just the same as material time... and space. In other words, the Spirit of God is beyond any material time, space... or energy. And since our spirit is in the likeness and image of God, it is only natural to reach the conclusion that our spirit, likewise, is also beyond material time, space and energy. After all, a pure thought is not an artifact nor an object. It is, simply put, an abstraction, a concept. The state of being not yet active or evident, is understood to be a latency or latent state. So, when spiritual Creation started, it was preceded by its notion, which was prior to that, latent in God's divine mind. Thus, our spirit too was a notion in latency until life, having love as its driving force, emerged. Let's see: "Do not be confused if I say that even before you existed, I already loved you." "Love is the beginning and the end in the destiny of everything created by the Father." "There was the Divine Spirit filled with love, even though He was the only One who existed." "So that God could name Himself Father, He created from His bosom spirits, creatures similar to Him in His divine attributes; this was your beginning; this is how you surged to the spiritual life." "Your spirit possesses eternal life which was transmitted by the Divine Spirit" "Your spirit has emerged from Me and he must return to Me, pure and perfect." After taking all this into consideration, we can say that our spirit is similar to our God's Spirit. So there you have it: Your spirit, my spirit, our spirit is much more than an energy or force... it is a pure thought that emerged from God. All quotes belong to The Book of The True Life (The Third Testament) ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - A Little Prayer The agitation and pressures of modern life sometimes put such a big burden over our shoulders, that we feel like there is no time or pause for anything else that the struggle for existence. But then, it does not take that much time to practice a little prayer every single day. It doesn't require many hours or special situations to elevate a humble, heart-felt thought to our Lord. Elijah, our spiritual guide and sheperd advises us: "You are going through life with your mind set on material things. If you would only dedicate the five minutes the Father asks of you to elevate yourselves, He would provide you with strength and sustenance for the journey." Of course, our Father indicates to us how useful five minutes can be, if we dedicated them to something else than watching TV or snoozing before initiating the everyday chores. "Do not forsake the practice of prayer, even when it is a brief as only five minutes, but in it, know how to make a good examination with the light of your conscience, in order to observe your deeds and know what you have to correct." "I only ask of you five minutes of prayer so that you may dedicate the rest of the time to the struggle for your earthly existence and to comply within it the duties of your spirit, sowing, among your brethren, the seed of love and charity with your deeds." Well, that's a wonderful advise... and a easy one to put in practice. But, the main thing here is not, as you see, the quantity of prayer... but the quality that counts... "I do not come today to tell you to kneel down. I have not come to teach you to pray with your lips or that you beseech Me with flowery words in beautiful material prayers." "Pray to Me with your thoughts. You do not need a determined place to do so, and the position of your body is indifferent. Elevate your thought in peace to the highest, and wait for My inspiration." "Every hour and every place may be suitable to pray and meditate. I never said to you in My teachings, that there had to be places, or moments destined for that purpose." "Why must you seek specific places in the world to pray, when your spirit is greater than the world you inhabit? Why limit Me in images and in such limited places, when I am infinite?" "Search for Me with your mind, elevate your spirit and I will always make you feel My presence. If you do not know how to talk with your God, your repentance, your pain, your love, will be enough." "This is the language that I listen to, the one that I understand, a language without words, the one with the truth and sincerity. That is the prayer that I have come to teach you in this Third Era." Furthermore, prayer bring benefits also to the one that prays, among them, more knowledge and higher inspirations... "I have taught you to elevate the spirit through prayer, to consult your Father with humility and respect, because then the Arcanum will be partly opened, to allow you to contemplate that which is reserved for your knowledge, and you will feel the Divine light of inspiration reach your mind." "The prayer is the means revealed to your spirit to reach Me with your interrogations, with your concerns, and your yearning for light. Through that communication, you will be able to dispel your doubts and remove the veil which may conceal a mystery." So, what about some little prayer a day, starting tomorrow? ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -Final Word: Please, feel free to visit our forum at http://144000.net/lighthouse/ With the participation of all of us, in no time it could be a gathering place for the followers of the divine Doctrine of the Third Era... Your Brother in the Lord The Little Worker **** PAST ISSUES AT http://144000.net/newsletter/ ****