____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  *** The Little Worker's Newsletter *** Issue of March 2006 Published by CDTTT - The Committee for the Difussion of The Third Testament _________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS: - First Word - Living In The Vortex - The Importance of Stillness - The Silence: The Secret Place - Last Word ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - First Word Beloved: With this March issue, we will begin to overview some topics which, until now, although having a great deal of importance as we have analyzed, they have been absent, for whatever reasons, from the deliberations and commentaries among many congregations of the followers of the Spiritual Doctrine of the Third Era. So, without further ado, we will initiate this series with something that has been pending for some time now: The lifestyle as it is lived in the countries that consider themselves as advanced, that belong to that which many call "Western civilization", over which Ghandi, when interrogated by a reporter when he arrived to England, replied: "I think it would be a good idea." ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - Living In The Vortex Yep. We live in the middle of a vortex, we all are trapped in a whirpool of an incesant and impetuous array of events and things that drag us into what seems a perpetual movement. The modern Caesar, as a new Pharao, has imposed us tasks and duties that we must forcefully and unavoidably perform, in his relentless demand of submission and tribute that we end giving him, one way or the other, whether we like it or not. This modern Caesar, as the ones before him, worships a pagan god over the true God; his god is the golden calf (have you seen the statue just in the middle of Manhattan, in the heart of the financial district?), and that god represents greed and ill-origined money. And making his servants fall in idolatry, these end up worshipping the false god too, following its dictates and laws (does the phrases "law of the market" or "Murphy's law" ring a bell?) But in quite a difference from the servants of yore, which were aware that they were in fact slaves, today's Caesar's servants believe and are convinced that they are free, they have been persuaded by the powers of the world that they are not living and dying in slavery, that they enjoy their whole freedom. Thus, deceived without pity, the multitudes walk from one place to the other, devoted to a struggle for survival that resembles more of a whirlwind where there is no time to reflect, where there is not a proper ocassion to stop and think carefully about the way in which we live; in that jungle-like struggle there is no time or place for the divine law in their lives, which many of these deceived servants regard as obsolete and totally impractical. The consequences of this are in front of our eyes: Unconsciousness, criminality, social upheaval, a moral chaos, the ascend of egoism as a human ideal ("love thyself" instead of "love one another"), the fruitless quest for that mythical carrot that we have called happiness which gets farther and farther away from us every time we think we have it, a world where the arrogant and the greedy are admired, praised and glorified, and where the meek and the humble of heart are ridiculed and despised as weak. And the dark agitation, my brothers! Sometimes it looks like we are surrounded by turbulent, dark spiritual agitation. The lack of true charity and righteousness seems to reign everywhere, though still there is a lot of righteousness in this world, but, alas! It seems that no one is paying attention to that. "But the wicked [are] like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt." Issaiah 57:20 Whom, among us, have not been ever dragged into that vortex? Whom of us have been granted the chance to escape from that unmerciful treadmill that devores lives, consciuosnesses and morals? And the multitudes are even persuaded and convinced that the fugacious pleasures of the flesh are their happiness, and that their refusal to hear the conscience rewards them with a false peace of mind, a mind defeaned by the constant pounding of slogans and cheap ideas by the mass media, so they consent to trade off their birthright as children of God for a pottage of lentiles. "Those who have devoted themselves entirely to materialism, without worrying about the voice of their conscience anymore, detaching themselves from everything that refers to their spirit, they no longer fight, for they have been defeated in combat. They believe that they have triumphed, they believe that they are free, and they do not realize that they are prisoners and that it will be necessary for the legions of light to come to that darkness, so that they may be set free." The Third Testament Not only in the area of morality and consciousness has the human being subjected to slavery; no, because in his own matter suffers the consequences of this whirlwind of ambitions and materialistic eagerness: stress, addictions of all kinds to harmful substances, cardiovascular illnesses, migraines, diabetes, heart strokes, anguish, anxiety, depressions that many times lead to suicide, etc. have devastating effects over the raising numbers of slaves of the modern Caesar. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - The Importance of Stillness It is only when we gain awareness that we have been trapped by that whirlwind that takes us relentlessly, is when we begin to realize that all this was prevented by the Father since ancient times. "Surely every man walketh in a vain shew: surely they are disquieted in vain..." Psalms 39:6 And a long time ago, a solution was handed to us so we can defeat that power that slaves us every single day. "Be still, and know that I [am] God..." Psalms 46:10 , the importance of stillness! In this Third Era, the Lord has explained to us, very clearly, how we can defeat that terrible materialism that covers us all like a cloak of darkness, like a invisible plague that troubles our heart, disturbes our mind and confuses our spirit. Let us read and reflect, brothers: "When a spirit pauses to hear the voice of his conscience, truly I say to you, at that moment he is before My presence." "That moment of quietness, serenity, and clarity does not always reach all spirits at the same time. Some promptly submit to their self-examination, thereby avoiding much bitterness, because the moment they awaken to reality and acknowledge their faults, they prepare themselves, and are disposed to amend, up to the last, their unrighteous deeds." "Prepare your understanding and quiet down your material senses, so you can feel my voice in your heart." "Analyze, so you are not tied to the form; calm down your senses and find me in the essence." "Set your mind in stillness, for sometimes it resembles the storm and hear my word, take heed to it and analyze it, for it is the light of the beacon of your salvation. Many had arrived to Me as castaways, but I have given them my peace which has been as a lifeboat to them, and I have sent them back to the sea in search for those of their brothers still lost". The Third Testament And certainly that stillness, which many would missaprehend as inactivity, possesses a high power: That of stopping us in the road to the abyss. And furthermore: The stillness possesses the virtue of halting the noise generated, inside our mind and heart, by that incesant to and fro caused caused by keeping the eager search for material things and fleeting pleasures; therefore, the stillness enables us to create the proper sufficient space and time to meditate. It is only then when we can enter into a useful inner retreat, it is then when, finally, comes that indispensable condition which enables us to hear the voice of the Father: The silence. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - The Silence: The Secret Place "The moment of silence has come, the moment of your communion with Me, for in the same way that the ocean waves blend with one another, you will unite with My Divine Spirit; silence not only in the lips, but also within the inner temple of man, because it is your spirit who speaks to Me, and the moment is solemn." The Third Testament Indeed, my beloved; when that privileged moment of silence arrives upon us, we are capable of unifying with the divine Spirit. Just as it happens in the nighttime, when the nocturnal silence makes us hear that little cricket that during the day seemed to be quiet, in the same way, by avoiding within us the noise of our passions and the wordly temptations, by preventing the brain of emitting low thoughts filled with materialism, it is then when we can hear that sweet voice that invites us to repent and to practice rigtheousness and justice. "Practice the silence which favours the spirit so that he will find his God; that silence is like a fountain of knowledge and all who penetrate into it, will be filled with the clearness of My wisdom. The silence is like a closed place with indestructible walls, to which only the spirit has access. Man constantly carries within his innermost, the knowledge of the secret place in which he can communicate with God." The Third Testament The benefits of silence are enormous, my brothers, starting with the great advantage that it gives us the access to that kingdom of silence, where we can communicate with God. It is that silence the one that allow us to get in close contact with our true essence, when we are able to hear the harmonious voices of that divine concert we talked about in the past February issue of this simple newsletter. "When the pain of your ordeals overwhelm you and your afflictions of life annihilate your senses, if you experience an intense desire to obtain a little peace, retire to your chamber or seek the silence, the solitude of the countryside; there elevate your spirit guided by the conscience, and enter into meditation. The silence is the kingdom of the spirit, a kingdom that is invisible to human eyes." The Third Testament How easily that silence could be at hand! We do not need any predeterminated place, the position of the body is totally irrelevant, and it does not demand from us any expense of material resources. All that we need is the will and the determination to reach it. "You can communicate with your Father wherever you are, for the place is of no consequence, it can be at the top of the mountain or if you find yourself in the depth of a valley, in the commotion of a city, in the peace of your home or in the midst of a struggle; if you seek Me in the interior of your sanctuary in the midst of the deep silence of your elevation, the doors of the universal and invisible temple will be opened instantly so that you feel yourself truly in the house of the Father, which exists in each spirit." The Third Testament After reading these divine phrases, could we still harbor any doubts about the huge benefits that we can have by seeking and achieving the true silence? Let us reflect deeply upon this, my brothers. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - Last Word Dearly beloved: I sincerely hope that, even though this issue has came out a little bit later that the usual, it brought, at the end, something to helps us in our better understanding of the innumerable means which our Father has granted to us, so we can enter in direct communication with Him. We do possess secrets that the average human still ignores, my brothers; let us not be as the greedy wealthy man... let's share it! May the peace of my Father be with all my brothers Your brother in the Lord The Little Worker ************************************************************* Join as an spiritual volunteer to the Spiritual Corps of Workers http://www.144000.net/cuerpo/ ************************************************************* PASS THE WORD: If you find this humble newsletter interesting enough, feel free to copy it and send it to your friends, family and colleagues... and why not? Start your own mailing list! **** PAST ISSUES AT http://144000.net/newsletter/ **** ************************************************************* UNSUBSCRIBE (instant!): http://144000.net/remove.htm