互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  *** The Little Worker *** ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  Published by CDTTT-The Committee for the Difussion of The Third Testament May 2000 _________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS: - First Word - As Tears Go By - Of Life and Death - What a Difference a Day Makes - Final Word ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -First Word This month, we shall review those divine teachings that speak to us about the relevance and importance of the relief of pains and bad days in our lives that we achieve by crying. Because until now, we haven't given to weeping the merit it deserves for cleaning our hearts and minds. And those who have wept his or her suffering away do not recognize that sometimes we even have reached peace thru tears? Also, we will give a look to those tiny little 24 hours that we call a day and its impact in our living. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -As Tears Go By From Teaching 262 of The Book Of The True Life (The Third Testament): "73. Men: Do not be afraid to cry before Me, because those tear drops are not only from the small boy or from the woman. Blessed are they who cry before Me, because My hand will wipe away their tears, and My word of comfort shall descend into their heart." From Teaching No. 325 (ibid) "1. Blessed are those who know how to weep for love, because that is the evidence that their spirit and their heart live in harmony." "2. The moments of your meditation are the propitious time for you to understand and feel My love, the moment in which, almost without realizing it, your heart opens like a flower and from your eyes sweetly pours the fountain of tears." "3. Those tears speak more than all the words and they say more than thoughts. In them there is sincerity, there is humility, there is love, gratitude, contrition, and promises." "6. If sometimes, in spite of your prayers, the pain or the sorrow persist, it is not because I have not listened to you, nor that I did not want to encourage you; it is because I want to test you, to give you My lessons one after the other, it is my duty as your Father to correct you, touch you, and perfect you in that pathway which is life." ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -Of Life and Death Death is a word whose meaning has been interpreted and dealt with in many different ways by all the cultures that have existed in this world. For most people it is a scary and unknown concept that brings grief and carries lots of pain. But for our Lord, death does not exist as He represents life and His creations cannot die. Everything lives, grows and becomes perfect. Death only exists for those who have not yet attained knowledge of the truth. Death of the flesh is only the end of a period which the spirit goes through in order to return to its original state and thus continue its path of evolution. When our body no longer functions, the spirit only departs to the hereafter. The body stays but it does not die either; it transforms, it disintegrates and fuses with the elements of nature and in this way it continues its contribution to life. We have to see our body as an instrument that allows us to live on earth and once our mission is completed that body pays tribute to the earth. Our conscience does not remain on earth but will go with our spirit. The conscience resembles a book that contains wise and profound teachings of life that once we are gone they are revealed to our spirit. Then, the spirit will understand the meaning of eternity which is the spirit's greatest blessing and will realize that there is still much to learn, to experience, to perceive and to do. When someone we love dearly departs for the spiritual valley we have to be filled with peace and realize that our beloved one is getting one step closer to our Father. And we will be strengthened by this thought. We must be certain that the bonds of love that united us are not broken; that our beloved ones will always be near us in spirit, guarding, protecting and helping us through our daily ordeals. We remain linked through the bond of prayer. We have to remember them with spirituality so that we do not perturb them in their spiritual life. When our time comes to leave this world, we have to be prepared. And the way to prepare is by fulfilling the laws of the Lord on earth. Trying to detach ourselves from low passions and worldly possessions. If we are able to do so, we will have no reason to fear when we go to the hereafter. We will not be scared, and we will let our spirit follow the light that will lead it to the spiritual valley so it can continue its journey. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -What a difference a day makes "7. I am going to teach you a way to prepare yourselves, so that your everyday deeds may be inspired by noble sentiments and so that the vicissitudes and problems will not stop you or make you turn back. When you open your eyes to the light of the new day, pray, come close to Me through your thoughts. Then, once inspired by My light, rise up into battle, determined to be strong, and not failing for one single instant in obedience and in the faith. 8. Truly I say to you, that it will not be very long before you become marveled at your fortitude and the result of your deeds." From Teaching No. 262 Of The Book of The Treu Life (The Third Testament) "16. Just as each day brings you a satisfaction and bread, each day also brings to you an ordeal." From Teaching 327 "29. Each day brings forth its trials, and I observe how you receive them and the fruit you offer Me. Many of those trials are minor, and with them you could set in motion a life of correction and perfection, but without analyzing those ordeals, you reject them; and, if you proceed in that manner, how can you prepare yourselves for greater ones?" From Teaching 101 A day, what a wonderful ocassion to learn, to live and to ammend...every single day that we pass in this world is an UNEQUALED opportunity to evolve and transcend our past errors and to surpass the limitations that our own misused free will brought us... "21. Respect and appreciate time; note that each day that goes by in which you do not work, is a day lost in eternity. Be aware how life escapes from your heart moment by moment, and for that reason you should take advantage of the time." "22. Give thanks to the Father on each new dawn for having granted you one more day for your fulfillment. Remember that you are transients in this world, and that you will reach old age in the most unexpected moment, and the day will come when you will have to show your harvest at the end of the journey." From Elijah's Counsel 20, The Third Testament. "Be sensitive each day toward the light of the Divine grace, and then you may ask your Father all that you wish to know; all that is necessary for your spirit to attain the supreme truth." From Teaching 188 of the Book of The True Life, The Third Testament. "37. Be charitable each day; that will be your best elevation to Me. Give, help, comfort, and that will be your best prayer of the day, because you would speak to the Father with deeds, not with words, even though these may be beautiful in their form, but empty in their essence." From Teaching 142 (Ibid) So, we must take advantage of every single day, we must use that 24 hours period as a treasure that would lead us into perfection...day by day... ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -Final Word: Meditation, true spiritual prayer and analisys of the Word will take us to the comprehension of the divine teachings. Then, only then, we could see the light guiding all our deeds in the path of life and evolution. With love Your Brother in the Lord The Little Worker http://144000.net/