____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  *** The Little Worker's Newsletter *** Issue of May 2006 Published by CDTTT - The Committee for the Difussion of The Third Testament _________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS: - First Word - The Worship of the 'I' - The Deceiving False Light - Ego and Egotism - The Love Of All - Last Word ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - First Word We hear it everywhere... famous movie stars say it; so-called experts say it in the media, and even preachers and priests, jumping in the wagon, say it too. "Love thyself first". This hymn to ego is given to us now. as a magic recipe to heal all wounds and problems of human beings; they even dedicate to it very touching songs with violins, angelical choirs and all that stuff; they make it a theme for movies and TV series... and then, they wonder why we have so much egotism and wickedness in this modern world! In this month's issue of our humble newsletter, we will see what does the Divine Doctrine say about this worship to the ego, which many camouflage with pseudospirituality... Our Father warned us that many false spiritualisms were to appear at this time, false spiritual doctrines that would conceal their materialism and darkness under a mask of hipocrisy and empty verbosity. "I have announced to you that the moment will come when you will see many spiritualisms emerge, and that you must be prepared to discover, therein, where the truth exists and where there is deception." "You shall see false communications attributed to Me, rumors of divine envoys who bring messages to the world, sects with the name of the Seven Seals, and many confusing and undefined sects." "All of that will be the product of the great spiritual confusion which Humanity has been preparing, but do not be alarmed; and you shall not succumb in the confusion, because My Word, in the moments of greater darkness, shall be the light that will make you contemplate My truth, transparent and everlasting." The Third Testament And we thank Him for telling us, beforehand, that the worst and most deceiving darkness is the one that disguises itself as light. And it is there where lies the worst threat to Humankind, my brothers: The darkness that clothes itself, as the wolf pretending to be a lamb, with a false spirituality. "Do not allow, never, a false light to penetrate into your spirit; if you want to know the truth, be prepared and your intuition, inasmuch as the sensilibity of your spirit guided by your conscience, shall always reveal the truth to you." The Third Testament The spiritual world of light widens with its explanations, our understanding of the divine words, and speaks about this too: "Be watchful, so the words of apparent light that carry darkness in their bottom, could not catch you unawared". "Days will come in which your development, knowledge, spiritual and mental capacity, will enable you to recognize in all things what is truth and what is not; you will have the ability to distinguish the divine essence and light from the deceiving lights." "You shall possess the gifts of intuition, revelation, spiritual perspicacity and sensibility, and all those are divine gifts which will reach a higher degree of evolution and development in the future; then will be no one who can deceive you and make you loose your step, because altough the temptation will come to you, disguised in a thousand different ways, with none of them it will make you fall down, because you are the children of the light, the disciples of the Holy Spirit." The Third Testament - The Guardians ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - The Worship of the 'I' They make seminars and give lectures; they publish articles in magazines of national and world circulation; they influence screenwriters and artists, just as they do with gurus and leaders of many sects and religions. They have created a pseudospiritual trend, and they mock and scorn the precepts that the Divine Master brought us in the Second and in the Third Era. If they find a person devoted to make good deeds, forgetting about his or her own self, they immediately psychoanalyze that beautiful human being, shouting and condemning accusingly: "You suffer of low self-esteem! You are a masoquist and you are desperately seeking the approval of others so you can feel at ease!" It is quite possible that these very same people, if they were today to analyze Jesus of Nazareth in such fashion, they will, undoubtedly and without hesitation, criticise and censure Him, committing Him to a mental institution at once... And they are quite a bunch of fellows... Among them you will find psychologists, psychiatrists, as well as teachers in colleges and schools, alternative therapists, MDs and professionals in almost every field of modern Western society. You will also find, among them, newscast anchors as well as TV and movie stars. They are everywhere. When they address to the masses, they do it with self-authority and they have the support of their own in-house "experts", who like to quote themselves using auto-references to one another. And, what about those Christian neopreachers who do not blush while trying to fit this worship to the I with the doctrine that Jesus, the Christ, taught and lived? The have a hard time trying to fit their egotistic hymn into the wisdom and perfection of these words of the Christ they say to follow: "And when he had called the people [unto him] with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me". Mark 8:34 And nevertheless, they manage to persuade their avid and naive followers that those words of the Divine Master are pure insanity, and they keep saying over and over that the teachings of the Lord are unpractical, utopic and impossible to live. But Jesus' disciples believed otherwise: "...we ought to lay down [our] lives for the brethren.". 1 John 3:16 "Whaaat? Sacrifice your neck fot other than your beloved self? Absurd!!" shout these prophets of their very own cause. Who are they? Who are the ones that set this enormous trap in which so many men and women are falling, people that feeling lost and without a guide, wander thru life trying to fill the void in their being, so they can find some sense to their existence. And surely, the rulers and teachers of these deceived legions hide the teachings of the Divine Master; they despise the examples and the life of the Christ in Jesus, although at the moment they do not dare to do it openly, but the day is near. And they attempt to make us believe that millennary doctrines (oh, that catchy word, "millennia"), long ago surpassed by history and the natural evolution of man, can shed "new" light to our spirit, thus inviting everyone to take a dive in the past. And so they go, from college to college, from large corporations to medium-size ones, recruiting among the wealthy those who find their words and ideas appealing and sweet, because with them the latter justify their greed, their avarice and their egotism. They are mostly high-tech oriented people, and they now add to their "Power Point" or DVD presentations, pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo to hypnotize the ignorant, with the additional byproduct of downgrading the real authentic scientific findings; they fabricate and manipulate to their pleasure confuse and sophisticated new theories and hypothesis -as they are doing now using the serious quantum mechanics notions, which are quite worthy of focused study- trying to create awe and admiration from the gullible toward knowledge that, at the end, is superficial and false. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - The Deceiving False Light As subjects of the false light as they are, these promoters of the false spirituality, deny the divine love; they asseverate, with great self-confidence, to all that seduced by the forms are inclined to hear them: "Before you can love others, you must love yourself", as if our very own existence was not the undeniable demonstration of that love that imbues us since the very beginning, when we sprouted from the divine bossom. Because certainly, there is the never-ceasing love that created us all and that incessantly continues to manifest in ourselves as well as in everything that surrounds us. We call that love Father, we call it Lord or God; others call Him Jehova or Allah or simply Being; at the end, the name is irrevelant, the main thing is that that Supreme Being is the love that created us... and keeps on loving us at each and every instant. Who then, my beloved, has not been loved and continued to be loved in such a great and perfect way? Because we know now that we do not create love, since all the love that is possible has always been there, before time and matter, for God is love, and we know that we can feel, reflect and irradiate that love, as we also know that in order to do this, we do not need to learn how to love. Isn't a fact that scientists show that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed? And do not many believe that love IS energy? And we may add: Love is not just mere energy; it is a driving force, it is virtue, it is a divine gift and many many good things more; in few words, love is everything. But many have fallen captive, deceived by false and superficial doctrines and philosophies; they have fallen, candidly, in the chains of that false light. In the Third Testament, there are many lessons that signal us the path of light and true love. "Haven't I told you: "You shalt love God before all things created"? That is the meaning of the first precept. Haven't I told you: "Love your fellow men as your own brother?" That is the second thing you should do. See then how the love of thyself is the latest and never the first." "Stop loving your person, so you can begin to love the others; do not seek honours for your name and become preocuppied only in your deeds so they are limpid and you shall enter immortality". El Tercer Testamento It is the "I" that voracious one that needs to be fed with self-love and with materialistic satisfactions and vanities in order to prevail; it designs a personality to feel different to the rest, and tries to give itself relevance and importance by exalting that personality. Jesus commanded us, in the Second Era, to deny ourselves, and to that egotistic 'I', this sounds as foolish and absurd as the command of turning the other cheek to those who offend us. On the contrary: "You mess with me, I mess with you", "Nobody tramples me over", "I'm nobody's fool", etc. are phrases that the ego puts swiftly in the lips at the smallest provocation. "Govern your ego with energy; do not be so concerned about your name and your person. Forget about yourselves altogether so as to think only of the Father and of your brethren." "Make good use of time by analising the word of the Divine Master, trascending your personality, passing over your own self, since although being laborers you have not let your amour propre go away, for you have put it above all other loves; thus your retardation and scarce preparation. The Third Testament - The Guardians ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - Ego and Egotism Ego means "I" in Greek. And precisely this is what it is all about, it is all about the "I". And of course that the "I" has its versions: "Me" and "My" are two of them, perhaps the most common. "What is good for me", "My person, my life, my interests...." etc. Because that is the thing: First I, then I and always I. True love is exactly the opposite: First the others, then the others and as the latest, one self. The ego impose conditions, it is unable to give something if there is not an evident advantange for itself; it demands and requires always to take something bigger in order to yield anything -as lesser as possible- in return; true love is unconditional; it gives and period... that's it. It is a lie that loving ourselves first, will makes us love better. On the contrary: Egotism prevents us to love at its full extent, it makes us weaker to deliver true love. "Do not refuse to give your spirit the opportunities to love, because if egotism exists, the former could not vibrate of charity for your brothers. When you love, do it spiritually and may your love be for everyone. If you personify it, confining it to determined beings, you would be falling in egotism." "Man in all times, but now more than ever, feels as master of his deeds, as independent of any spiritual law; he has converted in an egoist being that only thinks in himself; his heart is empty of love for the others, and this is why Humanity has became as the likeness of an immense desert, dry and arid." The Third Testament Let's imagine for a moment how this world would be if every one of us followed those false doctrines and philosophies. Let's imagine a world without firemen or rescue workers which, without hesitation, put their own life at risk for the sake of others, risking everything for people they don't even know, just as it happened in the tragic events of 9-11; let's imagine a world without those admirable men of science, like Pasteur and Hahnemann, which without thinking in themselves, they did rather test in their own bodies the medicines that have saved so many lives, before risking other people's lives. "You should also, think about the ordeals of your fellow men, you should have charity and compassion for the rest as well as love your brothers; then, your spirit will have made merits, he would then have defeated human egotism, he would have beaten the self-love of the material envelop and elevated as the good disciple of the Divine Master." The Third Testament ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - The Love Of All Now, my brothers: Do this means that we should hate ourselves? No, my beloved; we should understand that what we are talking here is about the ego, that monstrous "I" and personality to which we have offered so much worship. Let's have in mind that what we really need is to set straight our priorities regarding love: First come the others, then we are next. That is the true sense of the commandment that our Lord gave in the Last Supper: Love our neighbor before us. We must love everything, we must love all, and within that all, of course that we find our spirit which is our true being; and after loving the others, the best way to render love to our spirit is having charity of it; in other words: Take care of it, attend it, provide it with all the elevated things it needs. We must not confound this with the love to our ego, to our personality or all that material things we have came to believe are part of our being. "Renounce to the excessive attachment to your body and have charity for your spirit, helping him to purify and elevate himself; when you achieve this, you will se how strong you will be in spirit and in body." "If I say to you: Love your matter, understand what I mean, for I do not come to raise vanities or egotisms in you; but love your spirit too, which is tehe noblest and more elevated part of your being and part of your own Father. Love it despite of how much stained he is, for even if wrapped by darknesses, will never cease to carry within a spark of my Divinity which is the conscience, and always, in spite of everything, it will exist pureness in it, since the instant that I dwell in every one of my children." "Ah! If you only knew how much your spirit possesses! But you do not know this, in spite of the millenniums that you have inhabited this world because, in your egotism, which is the love of yourselves, you have only cared about the science at the service of material existence." The Third Testament Greater responsibility has the one who knows, my brothers! We cannot exempt ourserlves from the responsibility of living the Doctrine that the Lord delivers us, propagating it not only with writings and words, but with the most important: Teach it with our good example. "When that day comes that you will know how to partake from the suffering of Mankind, when you come to feel as your own the trial of your brother, when you get to turn away from your ego and your personality, that will be the day when you can really say that you are the strongest in Humanity, that you are the true Marian Trinitarian Spiritualists, those to whom the Father came, at this Third Era, to prepare for the good of Mankind." ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - Last Word Dearly beloved: We have the obligation to respect the beliefs of our brothers, even if they seem to us as wrongful or outdated. The Lord specifically says that is not the time anymore to go to the public squares and corners to spread out His teachings. It is not proper that, driven by our enthusiasm for this divne treasure in our hands, we invade the privacy and moral space of our brothers, that's not right. But when they come to us and the ocassion gives us the opportunity, with all due respect and serenity we must tell them about the things we know, we must give testimony of what we've learned and lived within the magnificent and loving Work of our Heavenly Father. And what is of the uttermost importance, my brothers: Our prayer, unified in a sole purpose, is the most powerful weapon which the Lord has given us to conuteract and fight against the darkness and ignorance, both in others and in us. Because darkness, being clever, has taken new forms, and the most insidious, because it is so subtle, is the darkness that doesn't show as such, but displays itself falsely as light. So, let's persevere in being watchful and praying. May the peace of my Father be with all my brothers Your brother in the Lord The Little Worker ************************************************************* Join as an spiritual volunteer to the Spiritual Corps of Workers http://www.144000.net/cuerpo/ ************************************************************* PASS THE WORD: If you find this humble newsletter interesting enough, feel free to copy it and send it to your friends, family and colleagues... and why not? Start your own mailing list! **** PAST ISSUES AT http://144000.net/newsletter/ **** ************************************************************* UNSUBSCRIBE (instant!): http://144000.net/remove.htm