____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  *** The Little Worker's Newsletter *** ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  Published by CDTTT-The Committee for the Difussion of The Third Testament November 2000 _________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS: - First Word - The Ninth Precept - Let It Roll - Final Word ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - First Word Maybe some of you still have a fond memory of a wonderful Broadway play called "Fiddler On The Roof". And maybe some of you remember that in the overture, the main character, Teyve, sang about tradition. Why have I made this trip into memory lane? I'll explain. This November started, as it does every year, with the deep-rooted tradition of Halloween. Children and also many grown-ups took all those boxes in the attic or ran in a rush to the nearest Toys R' Us to get into that scary costume that perpetuates the celebration. After some few "tricks or treats" in the neighborhood, we are back to normality again. We, as followers of the teachings of The Third Testament, respect the traditions and beliefs of our fellowmen... er...persons, although many just keep observing them because...well, it's a tradition. But which is our standpoint regarding traditions? Read our issue and soon you'll find out. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -The Ninth Precept "9th. Do not drink beverages that will intoxicate you, nor shall you use any element of Creation that will cloud your senses and submit you to lower passions." From the 22 Precepts of Moses, Jesus and Elijah (The Third Testament- The Forerunner) Drinking, smoking and in some cases using the so-called "soft drugs" are habits that are widely spread in the world. These habits as we all know cause great damage to the body but what we sometimes are unaware of is the negative effect they may cause to the spirit. Let's analyze it under the light of the Spiritual Doctrine. God tells us that it is time for us to live with all of our senses and powers awakened and attentive to everything which is said to us and surrounds us. In this way nothing will go by unnoticed, whether they are human events, signs in nature, or spiritual manifestations. The spirit that is able to follow these guidelines will serve as a guide, a counselor or staff to its brothers during its journey on earth. That spirit will be fulfilling its mission of being strong, righteous and obedient to the Law. If we want to follow the Law by being watchful and alert all the time, the use of these substances will prevent us from doing so. The person that allows a vice to take control of his or her life has forgotten that the spirit should not be overcome. He or she has forgotten that true courage is to fight evil using the virtues. And he or she has overlooked the fact that judgement gets lost as well, therefore that person is no longer acting with all the strengths and virtues he or she was endowed with. Be careful, be wise, be truthful to your origin, no one needs those substances to be at peace. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -Let it Roll. - Do you know when, why and by whom the necktie was invented? - Do you know why men do not thread the lower button in their blazers? -Do you know why number 13 is considered bad news in Anglosaxon culture? - Do you know the reason for Christmas' trees in that season? - Do you know where the interchange of gifts in December started? -Do you know why women use buttons in the right side of their blouses and vests? - Do you know why men use them in the left side? Chances are that the answers for these simple questions -and many more of that nature- are out of boundaries for the average human being. After all, even in elementary schools you'll find that teachers and mentors lead their pupils to obey and therefore, continue that long line of unexplained behaviors. So then, why do men and women, children and elder, regardless of nation and race, creed or color, follow traditions so closely? Why do they obey, as if it were divine commandments, rituals and traditions, when they ignore where or why those rituals and traditions started in the first place? Why do they let it roll? Speaking from a spiritual point of view, are traditions good for us? I know, I know, right at this moment you'll probably could give me the proper...and traditional answer: Traditions are the foundation for family values...and for my country's cultural roots (whatever nation it is the one in which you were born or you live in). But, are they that necessary or good for man? Let's see... Christ, our Lord, said: "Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition." Jesus was not a blind observer of traditions, as seen in Mark 7, where He had a strong opposed point of view, that was, to say the least, unusual in that time. Verses 8 and 9 describe the opinion of Jesus towards traditions. "For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups; and many other such like things ye do". Hmm...many other things! And the words of Jesus kept slashing the observance of those futile customs and usages: "And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition". Alas! It is not argument then that the tradition is our own...it doesn't matter who's tradition it is, it is still not a good one! And what is there to say about the strongest tradition of them all, the Sabbath, which was (and still is) so dear for our Jewish brothers? In Mark 2:27 He clearly states that tradition is not that relevant at all: "The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath". And in this era, the Holy Spirit communicated with men thru and gave us an even more wide explanation of things: (All excerpts from the Third Testament) "I have seen that the Law and Doctrines that I bequeathed to humanity in past eras, are kept hidden and have been substituted by rituals, exterior cults, and traditions." "It is the fear of taking a step toward the evolution; one step forward, accustomed to following the traditions that his ancestors bequeathed him." "Man fears to think and believe for himself, and he prefers to submit himself to the opinion of others, thus depriving himself of his freedom to know Me. For that reason, he has lived behind the times." "The time of enlightenment has come for humanity and with which man acquires his own free will." "How transparent and simple is the truth! How clear and simple is spirituality! However, how difficult it is to understand by one who is obstinate in the darkness of his fanaticism and of his traditions. His mind cannot conceive that there may be more than what he knows. His heart resists to renounce that which has been his god and his law: The tradition and the ritual." "Traditions stall man to advance in the precious path of the progress of the spirit" ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  -Final Word Beloved: Perhaps the latter topic moved something in your heart, where many beloved traditions reside. But if you get to think that the main reason for us to be in a human body and in a human life is to evolve and gain elevation for our spirit, then you will read the above divine words again and again until you grab the essence of these teachings. By no means are we passing any kind of judgement on any specific tradition whatsoever. We are suggesting that we should analyze our own traditions, meditate, and try to deviate from routine practices that may not leave anything meaningful for our lives...and for our spirit. Your Brother in the Lord The Little Worker ********** PAST ISSUES AT http://144000.net/newsletter/ **********