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Of course, we can't do this without covering at same time the nature of good, so grab a cup of tea or coffee or whatever beverage makes you feel comfortable, read and then meditate and make your own conclusions. ____________________________________________________________ «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥« ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - The Nature of Good Most people know, from the bottom of their spirit and heart, that all good emanates from God, although there are still some that do not have a clear concept of what good is. You can see that when you learn that all throughout history and up to this time and era, death, genocide, sorrow and terror are tools that some have believed are needed to enforce... good! In other words: They assume that evil is necessary so good can prevail. Thus, a holy war is born. But, is this true? Let's see. "All of you must know Me, so that no one will deny Me; you should know Me, so that your concept about God is established on the truth and then you will know that where Good is manifested, there I will be." Aha! There you go... but wait! It gets even better... "Good does not become confused with anything. Good is truth, it is love, it is charity, it is comprehension." "Good is precise, exact, definite. Know it so that you cannot be mistaken. Each man can go by on a different road, but if all of them coincide in one point, which is in Good, they will come to identify each other and unite. Not so when they insist on deceiving themselves, giving the appearance of bad to the rigtheous and disguising the righteous to the bad, as happens among men of this Era." Good is precise, exact, definite... as you can deduct from this, Good has no blurry borders. There are situations so confused, that it is easy to say: "Hey, who knows where Good is? Perhaps Good is relative after all". No, Good has nothing to do with relativity, but our perceptions sure do. So, the next time you find yourself in a situation where you are not quite sure what is the right thing to do, elevate and meditate so you can find which one of your options shall lead to perform the best deed possible. Ask yourself, what would the teacher of teachers do? If Jesus came to earth to give an example to mankind, what would He have done on a situation like this? Because as you probably are aware of, in these times of turmoil and spiritual need, in many ocassions we are forced to choose not between Good and evil, but instead, from an evil and a even greater evil. You see, Good is not just the absence of evil, Good comes from the divine nature, Good is not created, Good is to be performed through thoughts, words and deeds. So, in order to perform good deeds, we should erradicate evil from our lives and that, at this moment in human history, seems as an impossible task. But do not dispair, at the end Good shall prevail and we can advance toward that day when evil will be totally defeated. How can we help to achieve this wonderful goal? "There exists many ways to do Good; many ways to comfort and to serve. All are expressions of love, which is one only: Love, which is wisdom of the spirit." "I contemplate that, in the bosom of sects and religions, the ministers rise up telling their people: "Do Good," and truly I say to you: The only one who can say "Do Good" is I, because only I do Good for you; men should always say: "Let us do Good". Dear brethen: we all who sometimes act as evildoers, have no right to point fingers to anyone so when you see someone doing it, chances are that he or she is just probably covering his or her own tracks in the wrongful path. Today and tomorrow, in your life, you will find many opportunities to think and do good deeds which, as the Father says, are all expressions of love and keep always in mind that by doing them, we will contribute to the triumph of Good over evil. (All quotations taken from The Third Testament's Book of The True Life) ____________________________________________________________ «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥« ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - The Nature of Evil Zoroastrians believed in a concept of Good and evil as a dualism. This dualism can take one of two forms: a cosmic dualism between Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu (an evil spirit of violence and death). Manicheism, which was started by Mani in the year 270 AD mixing some early Christian concepts with oriental theories, also speaks of the antagonism between two sides, the Good and the Bad. Of course, this is a very simplistic definition. Gnostics, a Christian sect of the early years of Christianity, believed that although Creation came from "The One", the good God that is, the world was created by the Demiurge, which means the artificer, the workman, the "god of the world". The Gnostics, however, were not satisfied merely to emphasize the distinction between the Supreme God, or God the Father, and the Demiurge, but in many of their systems they conceived the relation of the Demiurge to the Supreme God as one of actual antagonism, and the Demiurge became the personification of the power of evil, the Satan or fallen angel, with whom the faithful had to wage war to the end that they might be pleasing to the Good God. The Gnostic Demiurge then assumes a surprising likeness to Ahriman, the evil counter-creator of Ormuzd in Mazdean philosophy. It doesn't take a genius to find these ideas recreated in the sequence of the "Star Wars" movies, where "The Force" has two sides, the Force as the one that moves the good guys and the Dark Side of the Force, that embraces the bad guys, with the Emperor and Darth Vader as their most representative figures. But surprisingly enough, if you investigate, many people in the modern world and in Western civilization (if there is such a thing), have the same concept of good and evil as simple sides of the same coin. If not, where did the concept of a antagonist spirit (Satan, Lucifer or Star Wars' Emperor) that almost equals the good God in power and as a eternal creature came from? Surely Abraham, Issac, Jacob and Moses didn't believe in this. In fact, try to find the word Satan in the Old Testament before the Exile to Babylon. You can't... Why? Because Satan is a word of Chaldee origin (ma`bad) which can mean "the opposition" or "the accuser" depending of the context. Of course, it comes as no surprise that this idea fluorished among a culture that believed in the concept of the two gods, one good and another evil. But let's bring out the essential question: Where did evil come from? "The spirit has been tested in many forms from the beginning. If he has been tested by evil, do you per chance believe that the Father could have created evil to tempt His children? In truth I say: No." "Evil has been created first by the weakness, by the feebleness of the spirit and then by those of the flesh; by the spirit for not making use of its own fortitude and by the flesh for yielding to temptations. What has the Father done about this? To permit the evil elements to submit you to an ordeal." "Pride is the origin of many evils and suffering among the people of God." "Ever since the first disobedient one appeared before My Law, how much misery and how much darkness he has left in his wake! Since then, evil exists like an invisible force. I permitted that force to exist only to submit you to a test, and it is through yourselves that I want to exterminate it." So far, so good. Whew! EVIL IS NOT THE CREATION OF GOD! Just think about it! For it were, just imagine the kind of trouble we are in. Evil should then participate of the same atributtes as divinity: eternity, immutability ... and perfection. Hold on! Did we just mention perfection? Could there be something as perfect evil? Nah! No way, Jose! Nope, no, nyet. And if this is impossible, it is hard to understand how someone can possibly believe that evil can exist in God. "However, do not blame your faults and downfall on a certain being that will personify that force; keep in mind that for each temptation, there is a virtue within your spirit to combat evil." Oops... now this is bad news! Mmm... so, we cannot pass the bill on someone else of our trespasses and wrongdoings anymore? Oh, man! What's next? "Evil exists, and from it all vices and sins have derived. Sinners, or rather, those who practice evil, have always existed, as much on Earth, as in other realms or mansions. Therefore, why do you personify all existing evil on one being alone, and why do you confront him to the Divinity? I ask you: What is an impure being before My absolute and infinite power; and of what significance is your sin before My perfection?" Good grief! Thank God. And I mean it. "Sin did not originated on Earth. The spirits, upon emerging from God, some remained in righteousness, while others, deviating from that path, created a different one: the one of evil." Now I get it! So, we had a choice and we blew it! We must have been totally out of our minds to create a different path from that of the Father... Boy! Did we really blow it! "The words and parables, which, in a figurative sense, were given to you as a revelation in the first periods, have been interpreted erroneously by mankind. The intuition which men had about the supernatural, remained influenced by their imagination, and came to create around the force of evil, sciences, cults, superstitions, and myths, which have come up to this day." In other words, finally it is all about folkore. Probably the generations of centuries to come will look unto the beliefs of the humanity of this era regarding demons, devils or Satan as mere urban legends or myths. And why not? They are! "From God no demons can emerge; these you have forged in your mind. The concept you have of that being whom you constantly place before Me as an adversary, is false." And we believed all this time to be a mature society! But of course! From the divine mind nothing bad can emerge. Could God have created an evil being? Mmm... let's read Paul's opinion: "1st Timothy 4:4 For every creature of God is good..." So, those preachers that wave demons and Satan before the face of every living person in Earth are dead wrong after all! But if there is no devil to blame, then who is responsible for evil? "I have taught you to be vigilant and pray, so that you can free yourselves from temptation and evil influences, which can originate from humans, as well as spiritual beings." "I have told you to superimpose the spirit over the flesh, because it is a weak creature, who, at every turn, is in danger of stumbling if you are not watchful over it. The heart, the mind, and the senses, are an open door for the worldly passions to lash at the spirit." "If you have imagined that the beings in darkness are like monsters, I regard them only as imperfect children to whom I extend My hand to save them, for they are also My sons." Ok... every one of us is then responsible of our deeds, thoughts and words! Of course, if you submit this to a poll, people will vote for the other option around. It is always easier to blame someone else. Just as little children, our sorry excuse has always been: "The devil made me do it!" "Today you live in a time of chaos, of turmoil, but I have come to bring you an antidote for all evil, and I promise you, in compliance with My word of past eras, that peace will come like a radiant dawn to illuminate your spirit, and that no trace will remain of this era of suffering." "The destruction of evil, which you have wanted to eternalize in your world, and which, though you may not believe it, many have converted into their god, since they dedicate to it all the strength and thought of their being, should be your objective, fighting against it, inspired by the idea of finally exterminating it and casting it away from your life." "For that blessed fight, you must summon the utmost in faith, in will power, courage, strength, patience, and perseverance." "Neither in that battle will you be alone. I will put My strength in your arm and My light in your intelligence. I will perform miracles in each one of your deeds, when they are inspired in charity and love." "I, who knows your beginning and your future in eternity, gave the first men weapons with which they could fight against the forces of evil; but they despised them, they chose the battle of evil versus evil in which no one triumphs, because everyone will be defeated." "If you ask Me what were those weapons that I gave Humanity to fight against evil, I will tell you that they were the prayer, the perseverance in the law, and love for one another." What a set of wonderful news! Not only we have help in our battle against evil, which are those magnificent beings of light and love we call guardian angels, we also have powerful weapons within us! "I have spoken to you of the origin of the forces of good and evil and now I say to you: Those vibrations were to reach all the worlds that I was to form, to test the children of the Lord; but with it I did not look for your perfection. Proof of that is that I have always manifested Myself to My children, either speaking through the conscience, indoctrinating you through My envoys, or becoming man among My children, as I did in that Second Era through Jesus." "The Master says to you: It is not enough not to do evil. You must do Good, to be worthy of My Glory." It makes perfect sense. We must compensate the influence of evil not just by not doing it but by offsetting it, doing all the Good we are capable of. "The fruits of the reign of evil shall not prevail, but rather, it will be the light which will reign everywhere, and in every spirit." Wouldn't you love to be in that era? And you know what? You will. (All quotations taken from The Third Testament's Book of The True Life) ____________________________________________________________ «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥« ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -Final Word: Again, we invite you to meditate and give a deep thought to these topics and then visit our discussion forum, where you can post your analysis and ideas as well as see those of our brethen all over the world. http://144000.net/lighthouse Your Brother in the Lord The Little Worker **** PAST ISSUES AT http://144000.net/newsletter/ ****