____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  *** The Little Worker *** ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  Published by CDTTT- The Committee for the Diffusion of The Third Testament November 1999 ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  CONTENT: - Note from the Little Worker - Creation: Of man and woman - Marriage ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  Note of the Little Worker Hello Beloved: It has been quite a while now since I have been extremely concerned about marriages. Everywhere we see solid relationships ending, families breaking up, coming apart. It is like an epidemic that is hitting us causing devastation. Which can be the vaccine that could immunize us against this plague? What has happened to marriage as an institution? Which transformation could have men and women suffered in order to forget their vows, their pact? Could the love that once brought them together just disappear? Or, does love end or wear out? Let's try to investigate, to analyze at the light of this divine Doctrine, where did this damage start. Maybe if we go back over the traveled road we might find the stone that made us trip and fall. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  Creation: Of Man and Woman The Father creates His children in total equality, making their spirits at His image and resemblance; all spirits, once they spring from the Father, are granted the same inheritance, the same commands and a single divine Law that rules over all of them. He gives all His children the same virtues, faculties and powers, but among those gifts the free will was included. It was the improper use of the free will that started the differences and those differences were created by the children and not by the Father. We have to understand that all of this occurred in the spirit, when there was no material world yet, which later had to be created by the Father due to the lack of fulfillment of the Divine Laws shown by some of His children. The world was created to be used as support and A reference point. And it was also necessary to create matter in which men and women would live as a result of those differences that were created and arose when their spirits exercised their free will in an erroneous fashion, they separated themselves from their original nature from which they were created, nature that included all attributes and all gifts. So this disobedience pulled them apart from their true nature, creating a new one that is divided in itself, and this eventually led to the division of man into male and female. Even when this happened, when the spiritS incarnated in the first human beingS, the Father did not place one nature on top of the other nature in which they had been separated; this means that once the spirits incarnated, males and females were given the same duties, the same responsibilities, the same missions, without setting a difference between the masculine and feminine part in which they were divided. If we go through the Scriptures of the First Era we will see how, at the beginning of the existence over this planet (Book of Genesis), the Father made both male and male equal. And when we analyze this lesson, on the parable of the expulsion from the earthly paradise, we will see how one of those natures, that of the woman (the feminine part), yielded to temptation, allowing evil to enter this world. Why did this happen? Can we believe that this was a Divine Plan to endow a nature strong to temptation while creating the other weak? No, we can not attribute this imperfection to the Father. The decision was made by the son, and only by him, and we can see that both natures were responsible for this material fall as they did before in spirit. Eve in the parable is as responsible for having yielded to temptation as Adam is for having listened to her; be sure not to get confused, because many people think that the original sin was a sexual one when the sin really was a spiritual one since the very beginning. Once again it implied disobedience, since the woman (the feminine part) wanted to take the forbidden fruit of knowledge of good and evil, without being properly prepared for it, this was the reason for the fall, fall that dragged the man (the masculine part), who having allowed his companion guide him and accepted her to lead such a bad decision, fell as well in disobedience. But we have to understand that the greater responsibility was that of the feminine part and this is why she was deprived of the faculty of being the head of the human couple, gift that she had so wrongly used. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  Marriage This is why it was necessary to point out the areas of responsibility for each sex and it was when the Father designated the male as the head of the female and the female as the heart of the male. In this, there is a profound wisdom, because He made up for the deficiencies of one nature with the strengths of the other, and to help them conquer the weaknesses of their spirit, now also manifested in the flesh, He established marriage, for only through marriage the spirits would be able to find, in their union of strengths and virtues, what was needed to face the consequences of their disobedience. "Only when a male and a female are together they can form the whole and complete man that their acts of disobedience divided them in two". "When I came as Jesus on the Second Era, I saw how men abused women turning them into slaves, into beings deprived of rights and acknowledgment of their great gifts, implicit in their nature, reaching to the point that the husband would leave the wife as if he was getting rid of a property. This is why I told you how harmful and immoral the divorce is, and reminded men about the responsibilities they have towards women. I placed women as deserving companions not as slaves, and you my male disciples, have to take this into account so you will know how to behave with your wife and women in general, who are similar in nature to Mary, the Heavenly Mother, and in the same way that you worship Mary, you have to acknowledge and respect those who represent her in Earth, as daughters, as wives, as mothers, all what Mary was when she passed through this world. And to my female disciples, I exhort you to continue being allegiant and obedient to your husbands acknowledging their gifts endowed in his male nature, which is similar to that of the Father. It is not against your own being, do not defend so much your personality, because I truly tell you, that the persons who devote their lives to protect and indulge their selfishness give up the development of their spirits and therefore turn into missionaries of their own passions". It happens with some women of this era, who think they are throwing off the yoke of male intolerance that subdued them before by adopting the same intolerant role, rejecting and making fun of men. By doing so, they think they elevate their rank, apparently without realizing that they are inverting the roles and repeating the same mistake, it does not matter who makes it, it carries on being a mistake, it carries on being ignorance and confusion. And in this era the Father tells us: "I discover in those women the intolerant and abusive man of another era, but now in the body of a woman. What they saw before as fair now they consider it unbearable, without understanding that this is only a restitution, restitution to which that spirit deserved due to its imperfection". "My plan has taken both man and woman who have obeyed and followed my commands to elevate themselves without the need of using humiliation or devaluating one another". Newsletter5 We have to go back to the Order established by our Creator, taking the place were each one of us belong to, to see harmony once again in marriage and within the family. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  Beloved Brothers, All quotes of teachings of our Father come from The Book of The True Life contained in the Third Testament. We truly wish that the peace of our Father may be with us all Your Brother in the Lord The Little Worker http://144000.net/