____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  *** The Little Worker's Newsletter *** Issue of September 2005 Published by CDTTT - The Committee for the Difussion of The Third Testament _________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS: - FIRST WORD - AN OCEAN OF VIBRATIONS - THE VIBRATIONS OF GOOD AND EVIL - THE INVISIBLE POWER - THE WONDERFUL POWER OF GOOD VIBRATIONS - A LITTLE SMILE - LAST WORD ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - FIRST WORD In this issue, we will cover a topic which, in muy humble opinion, is of the outmost importance to all of us: That of the vibrations of good and evil. Certainly, this is a profound and vast topic, since for us humans, it borders both the spiritual and the material. I sincerely hope that you find this issue interesting enough for you. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - AN OCEAN OF VIBRATIONS Something that have never ceased to amaze me is that, it seems as most part of humanity lives completely unaware of the importance of taking conscience of the effect the presence of of vibrations of all kinds has upon all of us. Cellular phones have became so popular that practically no one ignores that the transmission of voice -and now of data also- could be delivered person to person without needing any cables or wires. Nobody argues this, eventhough many are naive enough to believe that those transmissions are commonly made via satellite, being that most cellular phones functions more closely to our Volks old AM radio than to Scotty's Star Trek's wizzard devices. Also is widely acepted that, even when we could not see them with our human eyes, the variety of signals which made function our modern devices, travel invisibly and imperceptibly to our material senses: Vibratory frequencies of television, via satellite signals, wireless telephony and even the ones that we use to make popcorn in our microwave ovens. They all are part of our everyday life and we are literally flooded by them. And thus, they keep arriving right at this very moment: Invisible, intangible and physically imperceptible to the human being, but functioning anyway, and they are real... very real. Why then, is it so hard to accept by the comprehension of so many people, that just as these kind of waves or vibrations reach us, other kind of vibrations keep arriving all the time, which affect us in a much greater way? And yes, they are real, as real as the former. I am talking here of spiritual vibrations... ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - THE VIBRATIONS OF GOOD AND EVIL "There are forces, invisible to the human eyesight and imperceptible to man's science, which influence constantly in your life There are good ones and there are bad ones, there are some of light and some of dark, too." "From where do those influences surge? From the spirit, from the mind, from the sentiments." "Some and other vibrations invade space, struggling among themselves and influencing your life; those influences emerge the same from incarnate spirits as from beings without the matter, because on Earth, as in the Beyond, spirits of light exist as well as disturbed ones." The Third Testament It suffices to remember that every one of us, many times, in unusual and unexpected ways, have been undertaken by strange, disrtubed and confusing thoughts and sensations, totally alienated from our will and not produced by our choice, and nevertheless, we end up accepting them as ours, when they come from some other origin foreign and completely different from ours. However... We yield before them and thus, we fall into the absurd... We, humans, that defend our ego so passionately, as strongly as we defend our personality and our freedom of thougth, we simply and obediently submit to the dictates of a will which we know nothing about, and we direct our deeds accordingly to that disturbed thoughts and feelings that lead us to so many damaging things: Ugly and unpleasant emotions, confused sensations and reactions blown out of proportion and that many times, are in clear contradiction with our own moral principles and our human upbringing, and such strange bad ideas arrive out of our control... very bad ideas. The influence that these forces exert upon mankind is so strong, that they even have taken control, both in the past and nowadays, over important decisions of the rulers of this world... and over the population they rule. Paranoia?... Let's see. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - THE INVISIBLE POWER "Be watchful and pray, My people; not only for the material dangers, but also for those lurking, which your eyes are unable to distinguish; those which come from invisible beings." "The great legions of disturbed spirits, taking advantage of the ignorance of humanity, its insensitivity and its lack of spiritual vision, make war upon them and men have not prepared their weapons of love to defend themselves from their attacks; and, in the face of that conflict, they appear like defenseless beings." "It was necessary for My Spiritual Doctrine to reach you, in order to teach you how you should prepare yourselves to be victorious in that conflict." "From that invisible realm that throbs and vibrates in your own world, there are influences which touch men, be it in their mind, in their feelings, or in their will, converting them into submissive servants, into slaves, into instruments, into victims. Spiritual manifestations surge everywhere, and yet, the world continues on without becoming aware of what surrounds their spirit." "It is necessary to engage in that battle; destroy the darkness, so that when men receive the light, everyone will rise in unity, in a true communion, and with prayer, triumph in that struggle which they undertake against the forces that have dominated them for such a long time." "Men and nations have succumbed under the power of those influences, without humanity taking notice. Rare and unknown illnesses, which have been produced by them, have depressed men, and have confused the scientists." The Third Testament An old military saying is: "War is nothing more that young men dying while old men shout at each other" Wars, diseases, plagues and low passions are inflammed and many times originated by these forces that vibrate over us continuously, making us perform and suffer terrible things. These forces are not perceptible to our material senses, but out spirit receives their powerful influence directly. This is, so to speak, the invisible power that governs this humanity. And let us pop the question, my brothers: Have there ever been such thing as a sensible war? The capacity of deception that this invisible power posess is of such magnitude, that it even achieve to convice, back in 1914, a great part of the "civilized" world, that World War I was... the war to end all wars!! And they actually bought it! Otherwise intelligent men, cultured people and even spiritual leaders, bought it!... This would be almost ridicule, if it wasn't for all the death, desolation and suffering that many nations had to endure, and that slogan was nothing more than a huge lie, a monstrous and tragic lie... and men that were good and decent men, from both sides, were sent to war to commit all kind of atrocities. And what about War World II? And what about nations invading other nations or inflicting pain to innocent bystanders? Many of these deeds, are made in the name of God... even up to this day. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - THE WONDERFUL POWER OF GOOD VIBRATIONS I know, I know! It won't take long before one of my beloved brothers will send me, in a state of near shock, an email writing me not to be such a pessimist, and sure, he would be right. For even as realistics as we can be and in view of the fact that we should not close our eyes to the evidence, it is also true that along with those vibrations of evil there are, and in much greater extent, the good vibrations. - In much greater extent? - someone may ask. - Yep, in much greater extent- I dare to answer. You see, just as it happens with our domestic electronic radio receivers, in the same way we are capable to syntonize with a given radio station, our spirit can "syntonize" with a determined sort of vibration... or another. In this way, if we insist in syntonizing only with the few stations transmitting pure noise, it would look as there are no stations with good and nice music, even though those are, in fact, the vast majority. If we keep doing this, our options will be reduced dramatically. So let's widen up, brothers, our options; let's open up our perceptions to the good vibrations; let us syntonize with the Good, with the joy and with the health. Let us quit syntonizing those bad stations that makes us so much harm, that take away from us our peace, our health and our family harmony. How are we going to do this? Our Heavenly Father, wise and perfect as always, has given us the exact answer: "At every instant you vibrate mentally and spiritually, but most of the time you inspire egotism, hatred, violence, vanity, low passions; you hurt others and feel when you are hurt, but you do not love, therefore you cannot feel when you are loved and with your insane thoughts you go on saturating with pain the ambience that surrounds you, filling your existence with misery." "And I say to you: Saturate everything with peace, with harmony, with love; then, you shall be happy". The Third Testament Immense is the power of the vibrations of Good, since all Good comes from the Father; that power is so big that defeats every evil that could be surrounding us, attempting to force us into submission. And that vibrations of Good could be felt not only spiritually, but through our material senses as well; what is happening now is that we have not develop them either, as it suits a full developed spirit. "If man had the spirit as his ideal, he would have refined his senses in such a way that he would not have ignored anything of what I have said to you today." "He would know that the Spirit of God, because of His essence, communicates in the Universe with every spirit, and having this knowledge and being illuminated by his faith, he would try for the vibrations of My Spirit to reach him, which are strength, life and light that animates everything created." The Third Testament ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - A LITTLE SMILE A pessimist, after reading today's newspapers, overwhelmed by such a bunch of bad news, exclaims in desperation: -Things just couldn't get any worse! And his friend, the optimist, with a grin in his face, refutes him:-Of course they can!- ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  - LAST WORD So let us vibrate along, my brothers, in synchronicity with the vibrations of the Divine Spirit; let us be life, let us be love, let us be health. And in an harmonic, universal, brotherly concert, gathered around our Heanvely Father, we shall liberate our world from that vibrations of evil that our desobedience and weaknesses created through the eras. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  May the peace of my Father be with all my brothers Your brother in the Lord The Little Worker ************************************************************* Join as an spiritual volunteer to the Spiritual Corps of Workers http://www.144000.net/cuerpo/ ************************************************************* PASS THE WORD: If you find this humble newsletter interesting enough, feel free to copy it and send it to your friends, family and colleagues... and why not? Start your own mailing list! **** PAST ISSUES AT http://144000.net/newsletter/ **** ************************************************************* UNSUBSCRIBE (instant!): http://144000.net/remove.htm