____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  *** The Little Worker *** ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  Published by CDTTT-The Committee for the Diffusion of the Third Testament September 1999 ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  __________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS: -Note from the Little Worker -True prayer -Heal! A gift we all posses -Reflection ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  NOTE FROM THE LITTLE WORKER Hello Beloved: Every day we encounter so many bad news that we become disheartened and are left with a sense of powerlessness. We wish we could be able to change so many events! Through the news we learn about the misfortunes of many people around the world, about wars and guerillas everywhere; many of our brethren are afflicted severely by the elements; The Earth, wonderful creation and originally sheltering, has been turned by us into a turmoil,that in its need to recover its primary order it shakes convulsively trying to find its lost equilibrium. How much pain surrounds us! We are faced with this reality and we wonder: -What can we do?- A lot!, there is a lot to be done, if we really want to! We can offer a true and deep prayer, through which we can heal from a distance, and also give as much material help as we can. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  True prayer Our celestial Father tells us that we have to learn how to analyze the model prayer that He left us as an example, the one that we know as Our Father, and see that in its seven parts the principles of the true communication of spirit to Spirit are stated. We will notice that from phrase one, a guide is given to enter step by step into a true communion with our Father until we reach the last part where He taught us that to accept the perfect, wise and loving will of our Father is the sense, the true purpose of the communication of spirit to Spirit. Because this is what will lead us to goodness and will keep evil at a distance. "You ask me: Father, then prayer is the communication of spirit to Spirit? And the Lord answers: Yes, my disciples, true prayer is the communication of spirit to Spirit, taking the prayer to its highest degree of elevation, because in that moment nothing comes between your spirit and Mine. The passions and influences from the flesh do not interfere, the sin and embarrassment in front of the Divinity do not interfere; embarrassment that should have never been used as a barrier between us; also vanity and pride, selfishness and materialism do not interfere. In the precise moment of true spiritual elevation, your spirit fuses momentarily with Mine and you briefly enter to eternity, you see the inner-most perfection of the Father, and it is when my Arcane opens before you and you take all that corresponds to your evolution and your real needs, you cover yourself with strength, with moral integrity and with grace and you encounter true peace. "When the communication between your spirit and Mine reaches its maximum expression, I do not demand anything from you, no shame nor fear is experienced, there is nothing that comes between you and I. It is the moment of true ecstasy, of your essential apotheosis, of the embrace between Father and son." And, what does the Father ask of us in order to obtain this faculty again? "I ask you for limpidity, to devote yourself, to have faith. I do not ask you for perfection because you are still far from it, and I repeat: It is not perfection that takes you to communication of spirit to Spirit, but on the contrary: it is through the communication between Father and son that you will have a glance at the heaven of perfection and your desire to remain in that state will serve to be your incentive and motivation once your spirit returns to the daily material struggle." The limpidity that God asks us for requires for us to learn to discard many things that we consider sacred and precious in this world, and the first one of them is our personality. We have to understand that if we insist in worshipping ourselves by cultivating our personality both moral and physical, the fusion with the Spirit of the Father will just be impossible. The world pushes us to exalt our personality and we can see the results in everything that surrounds us: wars, pests, sickness, injustice, human and moral misery. God asks us to devote ourselves to our brethren. Often, in our ignorance, when we pray for our brethren, we intercede for them, as if we did not know that He does not disregard any of his children, that He never moves away from his beloved ones, that He is perfect charity and love. What He is asking us, his children, is for us to be the ones to show compassion, charity and love towards our brethren. This is part of the care and alertness that we must include when praying for our brethren. The same care and alertness that we would show as if it were a son, a brother or a dear friend. Finally, the faith He is asking for is the certainty that every day will bring a trial and a lesson for us, if we know how to understand it, but it will also bring the opportunity to speak to our Father. And it is in this communication that we will find everything we need to make our life more elevated and harmonious. And He tells us: "I promise you will find happiness in this life, not the false happiness that you often want to find through your materialism, but the true happiness that can only be found besides our Creator". Ha! If only men and women of this era would elevate their spirits and thoughts for just a few moments to communicate with my Spirit, they would see peace flooding the Earth and I tell you: only one day would be enough to finish wars, segregation, to eradicate poverty, injustice and evil. I know that this seems impossible today, that it sounds like an illusory image, but all those who have elevated their spirit have seen the awakening of that day; nothing can stop the arrival of that magnificent daybreak that I have reserved for all my children, your arrival to this goal is inexorable, nothing and nobody can prevent it." ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  To heal! A gift we all have "Come all to Me and heal your ailments, let your faith make the miracle of returning your health and achieving your salvation. The miracle does not lie on Me, but in you". Health is immortal, because it is a gift that springs from the Divine Spirit. We, all humanity, posses the gift of healing, by means of the fluid that is within us and is our vital beginning, that is, the force or our spirit. With it we can heal the sick. With the positive vibrations of our spirit we can redeem the hopeless and cure strange and incurable diseases for the human science. But this gift has not yet reached in us its maximum development; our spiritual healing gift has encountered many obstacles due to the lack of faith and confidence that we have in it. " I give you a single balm for all your ailments, they might well be from the spirit or from the body. This balm in order to make wonders, needs of true charity which has prayer as its foundation." The Spiritual World tell us that if we devote ourselves with love and spirituality to developing this gift, we would see, in a short time, how the prodigies prophesied and promised by our Lord will take place before our eyes. The development of the spiritual gifts requires from us more effort, abnegation and sacrifice, greater devotion, spirituality and preparation. In order for the healing gift to flourish, to develop and to manifest greatly among us, we will have to experience more spirituality, have a greater heart:simply, more love. When we are going to begin with our spiritual work, and we are ready to give balm to the sick, we have to make sure that our conscience is focused, our mind cleared and our heart cleansed and filled with good feelings, so that it can feel all the tenderness, charity and concern for its fellow man, for the fallen brother, for the brother that is suffering, bleeding and crying. "You who have asked for the healing gift, because you know how to feel the pain of your brethren, will contemplate the development of this faculty, and your prayer, your word or glance, will take the balm to the sick". If we want to develop the healing gift, it is necessary that our heart feels the pain that others are feeling and that our spirit gets rid of all selfishness, knowing that it carries a precious gift. When we are performing our healing duties, we have to identify with the Spiritual World of Light that will arrive through our inspiration, as an emissary of the Doctor of Doctors, so that we can make the sick feel the healthy, clean and pure vibrations, filled with relief and light, that coming from them and mixing with our own hearty and kind vibrations, will make the prodigy in the needy. "Think that besides teaching you how to pray, I have given you the gift of speech, and I have taught you how to anoint. Many times, I have told you that your presence can make prodigies if you are really prepared". We must analyze that if the beneficial fluid comes from the spirit, then, it will flow over the spirit and not over the flesh of the sick person. It is not even necessary that our material hands touch or anoint the person that is sick. The spiritual fluid can be given through a glance, through a loving thought, or a word of comfort. The most material way to give fluid healing is by touching the sick person; and the most spiritual way is by using the gift of word, words that contain essence, tenderness and balm. ____________________________________________________________ 互户互户互猾せカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカせЙせカ  REFLECTION Beloved brothers, Our Celestial Father tells us: "It is not the pain that originates your misfortune, but instead your sins. They are the origin of your pain! Fight against sin,keep it away from you and you will be healthy, however this task has to be done by you, I only teach and help you". When those sick men and women will discover through this Teaching the origin of their misfortunes, origin which is concealed in the bottom of their spirit; when they regenerate, when they spiritualize, when they become moral with the true moral, not with the one the world teaches, when they give order to their lives and they elevate themselves taking the firm pathway to Truth and Goodness, all the ailments, all the miseries and all the flaws will fall like shreds from their spirits and from their bodies. We truly wish that the peace of our Father may be with us all. Your brother in the Lord The little worker http://144000.net/